Have you noticed that Global Warming coincides with huge amounts of water, snow, hail and other wet- and coldness? I remember vaguely when the weatherperson of old mentioned it was going to be “sunny with patches of light showers”..now, it is definitely WET with a capitol W with drabs of muddy slides down the mountain, combined with bouts of hail and snow with an occasional glimpse of a stray ray of sunshine trying to push its way through thick dark clouds. Time for comfort food, more firewood !, nice hot cups of whatever and …sitting on top of the fireplace holding warm wooden knitting needles and a big ball of comforting fluffy yarn on your lap, with or without the complementary purring cat or snoozing doggie. Oh did I mention it was frrreezing cold as well? Yep, Australia is not as warm as I thought it would be, but then again maybe the southpole has shifted and has landed straight underneath us..who knows?
I have been busy nevertheless with Bunny spin ins last Saturday and this Thursday and had a great time. Elvis and Skye were all fluffy on the staurdya ready to be cuddled by all the visitors and then were relieved to get a haircut. Pippi was the one on show yesterday, looking very silky soft and sweet :)
Apart from enjoying the company of other fibre fans and bunny lovers I did spin up about half of the 1.5kilo hand carded pure angora bunny fluff and some camelbunny silk, custom, dyes and custom spin jobs and this weeks update : some very lush angorino –organic 18micron merino with 5% angora bunny- and for the yarn lovers amongst us: some very nice laceweight silk !Here they are for you to drool and snaffle ! Have Fun!
hand dyed Angorino (organic 18micron merino +5% angora bunny) tops 100+grams/AU$17
Hand dyed Silk Laceweight yarn (+/-1250meters per 100g) 100g/AU$35
If you would really like to adopt some of the new fibre babies listed here today or need some custom dyes or batts done: Just email me on ixchel@rabbit.com.au or message me on ravelry where I am Ixchelbunny and I will get back to you asap!
have a wonderful week !
oh and guess what?.........
it's still ...RAINING !
Dates to Remember:
Bunny Spin in at the Ixchel Fibre Farm…coming Saturday 18th of September and Thursday the 23rd of September