It has been two weeks since my last “confession” and I have sinned….no ..let me rephrase that….lol…I have skipped a blog update for a very very good reason: BENDIGO SHOW !!! It was absolutely amazing !
A huge thank you to all the organisers and volunteers at the show who made this all happen and also a huge thank you to Bree and Teagan of the Elisabeth Murdoch college , who have proven that yes, you can build a skyscraper of fibre !
It was an amazing experience being at the show again and seeing so many friends and fibre addicts and laughing and having an all round excellent time ! It was AMAZING!!! There, I said it..again ! lol
I was extremely happy to enable with new Navajo Spindles from the Lair of the Bearded Dragon made from ancient 45000 year old Kauri wood !!! and hand painted police box spindles !!!
THe new blend TUNDRA with 25% qiviut sold out in a day and a half, the batts sold out in a day not even, the pre felts were gone on sunday ! and ofcourse so were the Navajo spindels and the police box spindles! (I am taking orders btw for the Navajos, the police box spindels and the very special mulga slab supports)
Pictures will certainly say more than words so here they are: a slide show of Bendigo show fluffy goodness to be had in the Flower Shed !
me acting like a crazy bunny on thuirsday nighth after set up...lol

however way you try to make it look nice, all nicely arranged...every time there seemed to be a fibre explosion!

Some people wanted to dive in and inhale (Katie the Mermaid sure did!lol)
snaffle time !
Tundra explosion

Timey wimey spindles

The Tundra disappeared in one and a half day !

the wall of yarrrrrn and fluff
Teagan (top left) and Bree(bottom right) were excellent helpers setting up and have proven that you can build a skyscraper of wool AND win for entering the most gorgeous black n coloured sheep at the show !

the timey wimey display with the complementary weeping angel ...DONT BLINK!

Navajo spindels in ancient Kauri wood and Tassie oak and the mulga support slabs

Lair of the Bearded dragon phang in Budgeroo wood

And the winner is …….drumroll:
A huge thank you to all the organisers and volunteers at the show who made this all happen and also a huge thank you to Bree and Teagan of the Elisabeth Murdoch college , who have proven that yes, you can build a skyscraper of fibre !
It was an amazing experience being at the show again and seeing so many friends and fibre addicts and laughing and having an all round excellent time ! It was AMAZING!!! There, I said it..again ! lol
I was extremely happy to enable with new Navajo Spindles from the Lair of the Bearded Dragon made from ancient 45000 year old Kauri wood !!! and hand painted police box spindles !!!
THe new blend TUNDRA with 25% qiviut sold out in a day and a half, the batts sold out in a day not even, the pre felts were gone on sunday ! and ofcourse so were the Navajo spindels and the police box spindles! (I am taking orders btw for the Navajos, the police box spindels and the very special mulga slab supports)
Pictures will certainly say more than words so here they are: a slide show of Bendigo show fluffy goodness to be had in the Flower Shed !

however way you try to make it look nice, all nicely arranged...every time there seemed to be a fibre explosion!

Some people wanted to dive in and inhale (Katie the Mermaid sure did!lol)

Timey wimey spindles

The Tundra disappeared in one and a half day !

the wall of yarrrrrn and fluff

Teagan (top left) and Bree(bottom right) were excellent helpers setting up and have proven that you can build a skyscraper of wool AND win for entering the most gorgeous black n coloured sheep at the show !

the timey wimey display with the complementary weeping angel ...DONT BLINK!

Navajo spindels in ancient Kauri wood and Tassie oak and the mulga support slabs
And then, something very very important!!! At the show, every year , I have a raffle: Everybody who spends $75 or more gets a raffle ticket number and has a chance to win!
This year I am donating a $300 worth pack with fibre and yarns and a very very special Lair of the Bearded dragon phang made especially for the Bendigo Show winner !!!!
Here it is in all its glory on my handwoven alpaca scarf. It’s made from Budgeroo which is a very special rare wood from Queensland!

Lair of the Bearded dragon phang in Budgeroo wood

And the winner is …….drumroll:

Josiane Eve (Edenbay on Ravelry) from Tasmania, with raffle ticket nr 26!!!!!
Congratulations Josiane ! Your special parcel will be sent off to you next week !!!! Enjoy !
Please don't hesitate to contact me at any time if you have any questions okay? Always happy to enable. All my contact details are to be found at the end of this weeks blog entry. Have fun !!!
For this weeks update there are ANGELBUNNY TOPS !!!! have fun and thank you so so much everybody for your support !!!!!
Angel Bunny Tops
A soft, very lustrous sheeps wool and lovely to spin! It is Blue Faced Leicester combined with tencel, cashmere, angora.
100+grams (+/-3.5Oz) AU$24
100+grams (+/-3.5Oz) AU$24

The Matrix

Shades of Winter




Make Believe-


Arctic Clouds

Outback Sunrise
IxCHeL Events to put in your Calendar!
Friday 15th of August-Sunday 17th of August
39th Annual Country Conference
Camp Manyung
Sunnyside Rd,
Mount Eliza
Im doing a talk there about the Navajo Churro Sheep project, Navajo Rug making, Navajo style spinning and more !
Lots of extremely special and hard to find fibres and yarns and SPINDLES will be available there !
Not to be missed!
There will also be a Special Navajo rug display and
I will also have a stall there with lots of fluffy stuff to hug..enabling galore!!
To participate in the Country Conference please contact : Dot Vallence , email: dotv5@optusnet.com.au
Sunday September 29th, 9:30-3pm
Sheep and Woolcraft Day (with bunnies as well ofcourse !)
Cranbourne Public Hal;l (near KFC) in Cranbourne
I will have a big stall there filled to the brim with luscious fibery goodness and NEW fluffy exciting stuff !
Not to be missed!
How To Order:
1. You can email me on ixchel at rabbit dot com dot au or ixchelbunny at yahoo dot com dot au
2. message me on facebook or ravelry where I am Ixchelbunny.
I will email you right back with all your order details and payment methods.
Any questions? Any custom orders for yarn or dyeing fibre? Please don’t hesitate to ask! Always happy to enable.
2. message me on facebook or ravelry where I am Ixchelbunny.
I will email you right back with all your order details and payment methods.
Any questions? Any custom orders for yarn or dyeing fibre? Please don’t hesitate to ask! Always happy to enable.
Thank you so much for your help and support !