Hello! Yes, I am still here! Last week I was unable to blog and tempt you with some new hand dyed tops and a new blend at that.
I Would have loved to say " I was not blogging or enabling because I was on the best holiday ever! PERIOD!" but alas, my sense of truth and ethics do not allow to spout falsehoods or "alternative facts" like that. Please forgive my honesty: I was so sick I could hardly get out of bed. In FACT: I stayed in bed for over a week, managing to crack a rib coughing so hard with my freshly acquired severe case of bronchitis! Now THAT is skill! I am now on my second round of anti biotics and today for the first time in a loooong time , I have managed to stay up and actually start doing some work!
I feel extremely bad having had to keep you waiting for another week AND most of all: I feel very bad with not being able to get the clubs out in time. THe January clubs were supposed to be posted this week, but with me being sick as hell, I only today dyed the yarn club and tomorrow the fibre and batt club will get their colour coats on. Plan is to get all the clubs out first week of february: a week later than usual. Again, my sincerest apologies !!
I spent a lot of time in bed like I said and when I was semi "up" I was a witness to what was happening in the political landscape, especially what is going on in the USA but also here in Australia.
I always was political and not one to shut her mouth on matters of political or ethical significance , but never in my adult life, have I been so appalled, mesmerized and terrified of what is going on. Not only by what is being said by "our leaders" but also what is being said by people who we would call friends (even if it is only the facebook kind). I have never shied away from discussion, to defend the rights of others.
I guess you could call me a leftie, a socialist, a humanitarian, a believer in the fact that climate change does exist and that there is a desperate need for equality. Never in my whole adult life have I seen more political conflict in the USA or Australia than in the last two weeks. Meaning, conflict between reality/factual events/proof and the way people are treating each other.
The first time I got alerted that there were some people living in an alternate reality was when the American Primaries started: was nobody interested in policies? The democrats "lost" (still something I cannot factually comprehend because normally you win when you get the most votes? but hey! this time the populist who won , actually won the electoral vote and not the popular vote? How can you be a populist winner when you lose the popular vote is beyond me, but this was just the start of the enormous surrealistic time frame we currently live in).
Also, We apparently live in a day and age where pussycat hats are vulgar and not actually a cat hat but a vagina? I urge you to look it up in a medical encyclopedia or if you must Wikipedia; they look totally different! I am sure knitters and crocheters are masters of creating a vagina hat if that was their aim. We are technical masters of knitting and crocheting creativity! I have , however, never been called so many "names" just for pointing out the obvious: it's a cat hat not a vagina hat.
Some woman say it is ugly, vulgar and I am out of control. It is not Christian? Last time I checked being Christian or Compassionate, did not mean that you call your fellow human beings names because they are wearing cat hats.
I started thinking is this proof of brainwashing? And, the further I looked into it, the more terrified it got: visual and factual proof of a crowd that was smaller, was said to be the biggest EVER! Period!, in 2016 we were blessed with the discovery of gravitational waves but in 2017 we are seeing the birth of the alternative FACT! yes!
All this time my Surrealist Arty friends like Magritte and Dali were right !!! Ceci n'est pas une pipe!!!!! (imagine a picture of a pipe with the title underneath saying "this is not a pipe!) It is all making sense now! we are living in a surreal alternative reality!!! Kafka could be right ! The brilliant surrealist writer who wrote "the Metamorphosis"....I am now convinced that all those who are putting their sisters down calling them vulgar snowflakes will wake up tomorrow morning , look in the mirror, and see they have changed into cock roaches. That is "the Metamorphosis" in action: reality becoming surreal and visa versa.
A reality where , in Australia, the real estate in Sydney is the second highest in the world (just after Hong Kong) probably because
1. you can see the Sydney Opera House from everywhere in Sydney (not my invention: Barnaby Joyces, a surreal politician, who looks freakishly like a tomato=side effect of staying too long in an alternate reality obviously)
2. Because all of Hong Kong is probably buying real estate in Sydney...(and Melbourne as a nest egg...) = probably fact...lol
3 we all could afford real estate if we would just stop eating avocados (again, this is what a politician told us, I am not making this up!)
In America people are riled up because they had no idea the affordable care act was the same as Obama care, all they knew was what they had been told by FOX news that health care is not good so it's out ! gone! there are gag orders , meaning you cannot tell anybody as a health care professional that an abortion is an alternative to you losing your life together with your childs if you have certain health problems. In fact, and this is not new, there are so many hospitals in the USA that have been bought by the church, it is practically impossible to end a pregnancy even if your health depends on it.
Also, the president is actually saying torture is a good thing?. that there were a huge amount of celebrities performing at the inauguration and something is not a lie but an alternative fact. Yes, 1984 by George Orwell will probably hit the best sellers list again this week, closely followed by Animal Farm. Reality is scary and surreal.
What I found extremely unnerving I guess was the fact that not even knitting or crocheting was safe with the pussycat hat ! I mean, really ????
All my life I did not keep quiet and I am not about to start now. Too many people in Germany once said "Wir haben es nicht gewusst" (meaning" I had no idea")
Well listen to these FACTS: my grandfather died in fascist Germany, in a camp, with my mum and grandmother almost not making it out either, my dad almost died in their camps because he was part of the Resistance: a guy on facebook even told me , right after I defended the FACT that it was as cat hat not a vagina hat, that the concentration camps had bakeries and the prisoners could buy weak beer.. they had it alright in those camps. WHAT???? A cat hat discussion leads to a nutcase telling ME the Nazi camps were actually holiday parks?? Is this really happening? Are these the people that matter now and have the guts to tell us what is fact? NO! NO! NO!
I am LIVID that millions of people died and are still dying because of the amount of idiots in the world who are not able to tell reality from manufactured lies. Although I was born way after the horrors of world war 2, my family suffered, my family was almost wiped out, so many gone because of one populist leader and his greedy followers seeking to be popular too. Not on my watch! I will keep vocal and I will keep telling the truth and the facts as they are, with science, with proof, with compassion and human decency. I will stand up for you whatever your skin colour is or belief system, whoever you are, whomever you love, whatever gender you are. I will personally hand dye anything you want in the most lurid pink you can imagine. You say you want to march? to Resist? to fight for Truth and Compassion? YOu got it ! I will be there right by your side!
If you are still here: Thank you for sticking with me. I am sorry if this all sounds a bit too dystopian, too harsh. I am really a very glass half full kind of person! Really ! I am an optimist! LOL If anything : the most important thing is to never forget. I started to think I was going nuts: one week I heard one thing and the next the same person said he did not say that at all. There was proof though. I found the sound bite and I could hear two totally different things were being said, contradicting one another over the course of one week. Now if it was a friend in an unimportant conversation doing that to you, you'd shrug and go.well dear, you better go see somebody or ..your inner voice would say "Back away slowly"..... Stay true to yourself, keep talking and keep sharing.
So, after all that : Here is the new blend I had been working on : Gothic Bunny! A fantastic new blend of superfine merino, cashmere, angora bunny, and black silk ! This makes for a wonderful super luxurious fibre combo to play with and wear.
Anyway, here I am still alive (barely ..lol) , it is Friday again and update day and this week, GOTHIC BUNNY :
Have a fun weekend and snaffle ! All the “ how to order details” are shown at the bottom of this blog. You can always contact me on facebook or ravelry and even if you do not see something here , ask me: I am always happy to enable !
I Would have loved to say " I was not blogging or enabling because I was on the best holiday ever! PERIOD!" but alas, my sense of truth and ethics do not allow to spout falsehoods or "alternative facts" like that. Please forgive my honesty: I was so sick I could hardly get out of bed. In FACT: I stayed in bed for over a week, managing to crack a rib coughing so hard with my freshly acquired severe case of bronchitis! Now THAT is skill! I am now on my second round of anti biotics and today for the first time in a loooong time , I have managed to stay up and actually start doing some work!
I feel extremely bad having had to keep you waiting for another week AND most of all: I feel very bad with not being able to get the clubs out in time. THe January clubs were supposed to be posted this week, but with me being sick as hell, I only today dyed the yarn club and tomorrow the fibre and batt club will get their colour coats on. Plan is to get all the clubs out first week of february: a week later than usual. Again, my sincerest apologies !!
I spent a lot of time in bed like I said and when I was semi "up" I was a witness to what was happening in the political landscape, especially what is going on in the USA but also here in Australia.
I always was political and not one to shut her mouth on matters of political or ethical significance , but never in my adult life, have I been so appalled, mesmerized and terrified of what is going on. Not only by what is being said by "our leaders" but also what is being said by people who we would call friends (even if it is only the facebook kind). I have never shied away from discussion, to defend the rights of others.
I guess you could call me a leftie, a socialist, a humanitarian, a believer in the fact that climate change does exist and that there is a desperate need for equality. Never in my whole adult life have I seen more political conflict in the USA or Australia than in the last two weeks. Meaning, conflict between reality/factual events/proof and the way people are treating each other.
The first time I got alerted that there were some people living in an alternate reality was when the American Primaries started: was nobody interested in policies? The democrats "lost" (still something I cannot factually comprehend because normally you win when you get the most votes? but hey! this time the populist who won , actually won the electoral vote and not the popular vote? How can you be a populist winner when you lose the popular vote is beyond me, but this was just the start of the enormous surrealistic time frame we currently live in).
Also, We apparently live in a day and age where pussycat hats are vulgar and not actually a cat hat but a vagina? I urge you to look it up in a medical encyclopedia or if you must Wikipedia; they look totally different! I am sure knitters and crocheters are masters of creating a vagina hat if that was their aim. We are technical masters of knitting and crocheting creativity! I have , however, never been called so many "names" just for pointing out the obvious: it's a cat hat not a vagina hat.
Some woman say it is ugly, vulgar and I am out of control. It is not Christian? Last time I checked being Christian or Compassionate, did not mean that you call your fellow human beings names because they are wearing cat hats.
I started thinking is this proof of brainwashing? And, the further I looked into it, the more terrified it got: visual and factual proof of a crowd that was smaller, was said to be the biggest EVER! Period!, in 2016 we were blessed with the discovery of gravitational waves but in 2017 we are seeing the birth of the alternative FACT! yes!
All this time my Surrealist Arty friends like Magritte and Dali were right !!! Ceci n'est pas une pipe!!!!! (imagine a picture of a pipe with the title underneath saying "this is not a pipe!) It is all making sense now! we are living in a surreal alternative reality!!! Kafka could be right ! The brilliant surrealist writer who wrote "the Metamorphosis"....I am now convinced that all those who are putting their sisters down calling them vulgar snowflakes will wake up tomorrow morning , look in the mirror, and see they have changed into cock roaches. That is "the Metamorphosis" in action: reality becoming surreal and visa versa.
A reality where , in Australia, the real estate in Sydney is the second highest in the world (just after Hong Kong) probably because
1. you can see the Sydney Opera House from everywhere in Sydney (not my invention: Barnaby Joyces, a surreal politician, who looks freakishly like a tomato=side effect of staying too long in an alternate reality obviously)
2. Because all of Hong Kong is probably buying real estate in Sydney...(and Melbourne as a nest egg...) = probably fact...lol
3 we all could afford real estate if we would just stop eating avocados (again, this is what a politician told us, I am not making this up!)
In America people are riled up because they had no idea the affordable care act was the same as Obama care, all they knew was what they had been told by FOX news that health care is not good so it's out ! gone! there are gag orders , meaning you cannot tell anybody as a health care professional that an abortion is an alternative to you losing your life together with your childs if you have certain health problems. In fact, and this is not new, there are so many hospitals in the USA that have been bought by the church, it is practically impossible to end a pregnancy even if your health depends on it.
Also, the president is actually saying torture is a good thing?. that there were a huge amount of celebrities performing at the inauguration and something is not a lie but an alternative fact. Yes, 1984 by George Orwell will probably hit the best sellers list again this week, closely followed by Animal Farm. Reality is scary and surreal.
What I found extremely unnerving I guess was the fact that not even knitting or crocheting was safe with the pussycat hat ! I mean, really ????
All my life I did not keep quiet and I am not about to start now. Too many people in Germany once said "Wir haben es nicht gewusst" (meaning" I had no idea")
Well listen to these FACTS: my grandfather died in fascist Germany, in a camp, with my mum and grandmother almost not making it out either, my dad almost died in their camps because he was part of the Resistance: a guy on facebook even told me , right after I defended the FACT that it was as cat hat not a vagina hat, that the concentration camps had bakeries and the prisoners could buy weak beer.. they had it alright in those camps. WHAT???? A cat hat discussion leads to a nutcase telling ME the Nazi camps were actually holiday parks?? Is this really happening? Are these the people that matter now and have the guts to tell us what is fact? NO! NO! NO!
I am LIVID that millions of people died and are still dying because of the amount of idiots in the world who are not able to tell reality from manufactured lies. Although I was born way after the horrors of world war 2, my family suffered, my family was almost wiped out, so many gone because of one populist leader and his greedy followers seeking to be popular too. Not on my watch! I will keep vocal and I will keep telling the truth and the facts as they are, with science, with proof, with compassion and human decency. I will stand up for you whatever your skin colour is or belief system, whoever you are, whomever you love, whatever gender you are. I will personally hand dye anything you want in the most lurid pink you can imagine. You say you want to march? to Resist? to fight for Truth and Compassion? YOu got it ! I will be there right by your side!
If you are still here: Thank you for sticking with me. I am sorry if this all sounds a bit too dystopian, too harsh. I am really a very glass half full kind of person! Really ! I am an optimist! LOL If anything : the most important thing is to never forget. I started to think I was going nuts: one week I heard one thing and the next the same person said he did not say that at all. There was proof though. I found the sound bite and I could hear two totally different things were being said, contradicting one another over the course of one week. Now if it was a friend in an unimportant conversation doing that to you, you'd shrug and go.well dear, you better go see somebody or ..your inner voice would say "Back away slowly"..... Stay true to yourself, keep talking and keep sharing.
So, after all that : Here is the new blend I had been working on : Gothic Bunny! A fantastic new blend of superfine merino, cashmere, angora bunny, and black silk ! This makes for a wonderful super luxurious fibre combo to play with and wear.
Anyway, here I am still alive (barely ..lol) , it is Friday again and update day and this week, GOTHIC BUNNY :
Have a fun weekend and snaffle ! All the “ how to order details” are shown at the bottom of this blog. You can always contact me on facebook or ravelry and even if you do not see something here , ask me: I am always happy to enable !
Gothic Bunny Tops
Super fine 16micron merino, Cashmere, Angora Bunny, Black Mulberry Silk!
100+gram tops AU$24

Dates to put in your Calendar !!
Wednesday March 15th, 10am - 3pm
McClelland Spinners and weavers Group
McClelland Gallery, McClelland Drive , Langwarrin, (Melways Ref 103E3),
Saturday May 6th 10am-3pm
Healesville Spinners and Weavers Guild Chat, Spin and Shop
Please join me with the Healesville Spinners and Weavers on Saturday for their annual celebration.
I will be doing a talk about the IxCHeLbunny farm, fibres and yarns and lots more !!! There will be fibres to cuddle (and buy) and also spindles of all shapes and sizes.
The event is open to all but everybody is asked to bring a plate of food to share with the others to make it even more fun. The Hall opens at 11am with a group meeting and my talk will start around 12. After the talk there will be ample opportunity to browse, shop and mingle.
V.C. Mullett Hall (Badger Creek Hall), 358 Badger Creek Road, Badger Creek.
The hall is located next to the Badger Creek C.F.A. Station and opposite the Badger Creek Primary School. There is off road parking.
I will be doing a talk about the IxCHeLbunny farm, fibres and yarns and lots more !!! There will be fibres to cuddle (and buy) and also spindles of all shapes and sizes.
The event is open to all but everybody is asked to bring a plate of food to share with the others to make it even more fun. The Hall opens at 11am with a group meeting and my talk will start around 12. After the talk there will be ample opportunity to browse, shop and mingle.
V.C. Mullett Hall (Badger Creek Hall), 358 Badger Creek Road, Badger Creek.
The hall is located next to the Badger Creek C.F.A. Station and opposite the Badger Creek Primary School. There is off road parking.
Sunday May 21st 10am-3pm
Victorian Hand Knitters Guild Show Coburg Town Hall
THE extra ordinary super fluffy yarny event in Melbourne !!!
I will be there with lots of hand dyed tops for spinning and felting and happy rainbow yarn and sock yarn, some extra special art yarns and much much more!!!!
As well as some amazing Lair of the Bearded Dragon spindles and bowls that are pure magic to spin with !
I will be there with lots of hand dyed tops for spinning and felting and happy rainbow yarn and sock yarn, some extra special art yarns and much much more!!!!
As well as some amazing Lair of the Bearded Dragon spindles and bowls that are pure magic to spin with !
Friday July 14th- Sunday 16th, 9am-5pm
Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show
THE event of the year !!!! Not to be missed!! I will be there in the Flower (Power Bunny) Shed again with heaps of new goodies, hand dyed and hand spun, IxCHeL new blends and rare sheep breed adventures and much much more ! Including a world first of something AMAZING AND FUN!!!!! Shhh not telling ! but it is AWESOME !!!!
date and venue info to follow soon.
Black n Coloured Sheep FIELD DAY in Pakenham!
Landscape dyes
100g tubs AU$11
250 g tubs AU$26
250 g tubs AU$26
Want to dye your own with easy to use acid dyes? I have been selling these Landscape dyes at my workshops and shows for a long time : They are extremely easy to use and come in great shades.
Just contact me with the name of the colour you are after and I will get right back to you.
Just contact me with the name of the colour you are after and I will get right back to you.
Have a creative week!
Please don't hesitate to contact me at any time if you have any questions okay? : Always happy to enable.
All my contact details are here:
How To Order:
1. You can email me on ixchel at rabbit dot com dot au or ixchelbunny at yahoo dot com dot au
2. Message me on facebook or
3. Message me on www.ravelry.com where I am Ixchelbunny.
I will email you right back with all your order details and payment methods.
Any questions? Any custom orders for yarn or dyeing fibre? : Please don’t hesitate to ask! Always happy to enable.
2. Message me on facebook or
3. Message me on www.ravelry.com where I am Ixchelbunny.
I will email you right back with all your order details and payment methods.
Any questions? Any custom orders for yarn or dyeing fibre? : Please don’t hesitate to ask! Always happy to enable.
Thank you so much for your help and support !