Nip’n’tuck yarn close up
Something I have been working on for a long long time: Art yarns. I have been spinning art yarns when I first started selling and going to markets with my fibresbut somehow "normality" set in when I got requests to spin yarns that were 12ply, then 8ply then 4ply and last but not least the fans of lace got to me....spinning laceweight is hard work and takes a long time and somehow the art yarns like the nip'n'tuck yarns (slubby singles) and the art yarns with all bits and pieces were lost...but...not for long!
I love spinning coils, beehives, turkish knots, slubbies and experimenting with all kinds of "weird"stuff. the good thing about art yarn is that you can make a project so absolutely special by just adding a little bit and using something that is unique and stands out like an art yarn is by far the most creative juice you can imagine: it gets the blood flowing :)
Apart from the art yarns I have been spinning lots for the hand knitters guild mini wool show tomorrow at the brunswick town hall. These three tubs are filled with hand spun yarns ! and there are three more tubs filled with art yarns and hand dyed sock yarns and laceweight. Why oh why am I tired and my arm is almost falling off? lol
Tubs overflowing with hand spun for the show !
Paul will be filling the car up with all these goodies tonight together with all the hand dyed tops and bunny fibres :) who needs airbags when you have a car filled with fibre eh? lol
Yesterday was a fun day : another bunny spin in and thank you all for coming: there was a lot of bunny cuddling and hugging of yarns and fibres and a lot of chatting ;-)
Here is Dot cuddling Babe, our blue eyed white english angora bunny
I am going to leave you with some photos of a selection of the art yarns I have been working on (more to see on Flickr: and tomorrow at the hand knitters guild mini wool show ofourse :) )
Eyeballs on the bobbin
I sea monster yarn(hand dyed and core spun superfine blue faced leicester , bunny and seaweed tops with added needlefelted eye balls made from hand dyed merino)
I fuzz yarn
(hand dyed and core spun superfine Merino , bunny and Tencel and silk tops with added needlefelted eye balls made from hand dyed merino)
Late nite at the diner
(hand dyed and core spun superfine angorino (merino + bunny) with added needlefelted eye balls made from hand dyed merino)
I yarn
(hand dyed and core spun superfine blue faced leicester , bunny and seaweed tops with added needlefelted eye balls made from hand dyed merino)
Autumn Bunny hop yarn
(hand dyed angorino, gold thread angelina angora bunny bits japanese bunny fabric)
Nip’n’tuck yarn (hand dyed and hand spun angorino, slubby single)
The Bunny scream for the Ixchel Art Yarn Label
adapted from the famous painting by Munch :))
NExt friday will be a "regular"update again with all new fluffy stuff :) Now it is time to pack up all the fibre and sock clubs and get stuck into making some very fluffy waca pacabatts and funky bunny batts :) wooohooo !! :))

Dates to remember:
Hand knitters mini wool show, Brunswick town hall
The next Bunny Spin in will be on Saturday June 19th ! from 11 to 5pm