This is a super hectic time of year filled with spinning, dyeing, batt making in over drive! All in honour of the handknitters guild mini wool show this Saturday at the Brunswick Town hall, the Bendigo Sheep and Wool show and the Mapleton Queensland Fibre artists Camp.
I like deadlines and I tried to be organised and start early, but as always, there is always MORE to do. At one point I just have to stop and say to myself :"This is enough" and have some sleep and something to So this afternoon after packing everything , printing out patterns, labels and spinning some more last minute art yarns, you will find me on the couch, feet up..with some recently bought knitting books I haven’t had a chance of even opening one. I bought the wrapped in lace by Margaret Stove and a gathering of lace by Meg Swansen. When I had the wrapped in lace book on loan from the library I saw at least two patterns in that last book I am eager tot knit (with the rainbow lace yarn on offer here today !) : one is the magickal Earth shawl with celtic symbols and unicorns (I love unicorns..) and the other is a Super Spiral Shawl . YUM! But best get this update on the road for you to look at.
Have fun!!! And hope to see you on Saturday at the mini wool show !
I will have heaps of goodies, new yarns, new fibres and tops, patterns, buttons and more ! I am planning a special bargain tub of yarns that I have hand spun and dyed but I am not entirely happy with - or are orphans...- so I will offer them at super special prices. I am sure they will be loved by a fibre fan.
I won’t keep you waiting for longer: here is the fibre and YAAAAAAAARRRN!!! Enjoy! Email me , message me on Rav or on FB to put your order in for some!! There’s only a limited supply so pPlease message or email me before 5pm (Melbourne time) obefore I pack it for the mini wool show tomorrow ! Thanks!
Super Special Looooooooong repeat 100% wool yarn
special loooooooooooooooooooong repeat dyed yarn in a 100% wool that knits up like a dream! See the citron I made for example ! Feltable as well and looks amazing !
I won’t keep you waiting for longer: here is the fibre and YAAAAAAAARRRN!!! Enjoy! Email me , message me on Rav or on FB to put your order in for some!! There’s only a limited supply so pPlease message or email me before 5pm (Melbourne time) obefore I pack it for the mini wool show tomorrow ! Thanks!
Super Special Looooooooong repeat 100% wool yarn
special loooooooooooooooooooong repeat dyed yarn in a 100% wool that knits up like a dream! See the citron I made for example ! Feltable as well and looks amazing !
Lace long repeat yarn 100% wool
Huge skeins of +/- 250grams at an amazing price of $52.
Yardage per 100grams +/- 700meters !
This yarn is a strong single, excellent for weaving, knitting lace or felting.
Rainbow Lace
4ply Rainbow long repeat yarn in two colourways
Huge skeins of +/- 150grams at an amazing price of $26.
Huge skeins of +/- 150grams at an amazing price of $26.
Yardage per 100grams +/- 400meters !
GaGa ! Bunny Blend Tops
Bluefaced Leicester – Bunny – Glitz (70/10/20)
Bluefaced Leicester – Bunny – Glitz (70/10/20)
The IxCHeL blend that you will go totally GAGA over :D 70% blue faced leicester, 20% Glitz and 10% angora bunny.
Awesome to spin and felt.
100g hand dyed braids AU$24
-hmmmm cake all sold out :(-
Hand dyed & Hand spun Super Slub Yarn "Nip'n'Tuck"- Yarn
Angorino blend = angora bunny and 17micron merino (5/95)
Hand spun and hand dyed super slubby nip'n'tuck yarn. one skein is enought to make a fab scarf knitted on ndls 20mm or your hands!
skeins weigh over 100grams each and are AU$29
Hand spun and hand dyed super slubby nip'n'tuck yarn. one skein is enought to make a fab scarf knitted on ndls 20mm or your hands!
skeins weigh over 100grams each and are AU$29
Email me on if you want to adopt any of these Yaaaarns! or fibres : message me on Ravelry or facebook where I am Ixchelbunny !
Dates to Remember:
Bunny Spin in at the Ixchel Fibre Farm (11am-5pm)
Saturday, June 18th (please please email me beforehand to secure a seat)
Bring your wheel, spindle, knitting, crocheting and a plate to share with everybody. There is cake and coffee and tea and a lovely bunny to cuddle and lots of fibres and yarn!) very important ! : Please, please let me now beforehand by email or message that you would like to come and visit so I can prepare the infrastructure and cake ofcourse !
Contact me on Ravelry where I am Ixchelbunny, message me on facebook there or email me on
Saturday 28th of May
Brunswick Town Hall
Handknitters Guild of Victoria Wool show
An absolute MUST for every fibre fan !
15-16-17th of July !
Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show (with a big dash of Rabbit from yours truly)
see website ;
Woolcraft entries close june 10th. Contact Dot Vallence at the Woolcraft committee for more info or come to one of the Bunny Spin ins to g et your copy oif the woolcraft schedule book.
Bendigo Sheep & Wool Show is NOT to miss in this year of the rabbit !
Lots of special goodies on offer, prizes to be won and a super competition of “Bunny dress up”again this year! Make a a statement ! This year there’s a “Rock-a-Billy Bunny-dress up competition”and win a super duper Bunny Spin or Yarn bunny Prize! C’mon be a rockin”Fibre Bunny! You know you want to J
All the preperations are already on their way to make this years Bendi show an amazingly FUN FIBRE EVENT !!!!!
Bunny invasion in Queensland planned again just after Bendigo ! @ Mapleton Camp of the Queensland Spinners & Weavers
Mapleton Camp July 22-24 !
Contact the QSW&FA if you want to be part of this awesome weekend of fun !! I will be doing workshops on Art yarn (my nip ‘n’tuck special and Jewellery Sculpture Art yarn)
Dates to Remember:
Bunny Spin in at the Ixchel Fibre Farm (11am-5pm)
Saturday, June 18th (please please email me beforehand to secure a seat)
Bring your wheel, spindle, knitting, crocheting and a plate to share with everybody. There is cake and coffee and tea and a lovely bunny to cuddle and lots of fibres and yarn!) very important ! : Please, please let me now beforehand by email or message that you would like to come and visit so I can prepare the infrastructure and cake ofcourse !
Contact me on Ravelry where I am Ixchelbunny, message me on facebook there or email me on
Saturday 28th of May
Brunswick Town Hall
Handknitters Guild of Victoria Wool show
An absolute MUST for every fibre fan !
15-16-17th of July !
Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show (with a big dash of Rabbit from yours truly)
see website ;
Woolcraft entries close june 10th. Contact Dot Vallence at the Woolcraft committee for more info or come to one of the Bunny Spin ins to g et your copy oif the woolcraft schedule book.
Bendigo Sheep & Wool Show is NOT to miss in this year of the rabbit !
Lots of special goodies on offer, prizes to be won and a super competition of “Bunny dress up”again this year! Make a a statement ! This year there’s a “Rock-a-Billy Bunny-dress up competition”and win a super duper Bunny Spin or Yarn bunny Prize! C’mon be a rockin”Fibre Bunny! You know you want to J
All the preperations are already on their way to make this years Bendi show an amazingly FUN FIBRE EVENT !!!!!
Bunny invasion in Queensland planned again just after Bendigo ! @ Mapleton Camp of the Queensland Spinners & Weavers
Mapleton Camp July 22-24 !
Contact the QSW&FA if you want to be part of this awesome weekend of fun !! I will be doing workshops on Art yarn (my nip ‘n’tuck special and Jewellery Sculpture Art yarn)