I have to warn you..I am angry..angry and not particularly in a good mood at the moment.
It seems that the last couple of months have been taken up dealing with absolute terrible customer service (you know who..lol) and then when you think it is just an isolated case of mismanagement of some, you come across another example of human idiotic behaviour.
Well, more than one actually…lol..but who is counting?
First of all I got earburnt on facebook that there was a huge thing going on with PETA and angora rabbits and cruelty towards angora bunnies in China (major angora producer of yarns and fibre, it used to be France, then Latin America and the industry moved towards the country that can produce a huge amount for hardly anything…the story of greed…anyway I digress, more on that later).
So there I was being showed how an angora bunny was harshly plucked, caged, looking miserable and public outrage followed…a big clothing company, H&M, cancelled all orders containing angora fibre because of this cruelty to animals and the rollercoaster has taken off. Everybody now believes that ALL angora garments and yarn is produced this way , disrespecting animals.
Now for starters, I do not agree with cruelty to animals, I love animals above all, I care deeply about the welfare of bunnies, however!!… people , media and the general public at large are total hypocrites ! I am angry because all of a sudden EVERY angora bunny is believed to be tortured, mistreated and culled after a couple of years for its fur…ridiculous!
No, there are caring angora lovers and fans out there who love, care and are gentle with their animals, harvest their fibre in a friendly way and spin it with love and care.
I remember when I was doing the art centre markets in Melbourne every Sunday and I got very very nasty looks from vegans, Peta fans and uninformed animal lovers …if looks could kill! Id be dead and buried by now!..I actually ran after a girl who mumbled something in front of my stall and told her”we don’t kill bunnies for fur, I give them haircuts! I comb them! I love them!”there was desperation in my voice then and even now, because once public opinion is wrongfully poisoned by mediocre biased reporting every angora breeder is a torturer of bunnies. I am NOT! And I am very very sick of trying to convince people of this. THAT’S why I am mad! Angry and disappointed above all.
The reason why mistreatment is going on and may I say not only of bunnies but of all animals AND people! Is our own stupidity: how can you possibly reasonably expect to buy a good, lasting, sustainable, luxurious product for almost next to nothing? Tell me! Do you really think that it is sustainable for a greedy company to comb their bunnies and still offer you a 100 gram skein yarn (the production of a bunny for three months !) spin it, dye it and offer it to you for $5 or $10? And that includes all the travelling costs and everything it has to go through, all the feed, housing, water, cleaning, etc. And yet, there you are…strolling around in Spotlight, Lincraft, big department stores buying your yarns and clothing for a dollar …. And complaining that the independent compassionate breeder and fibre artist is too expensive selling a skein for $25, which, in all truth is already ridiculously low seeing all the costs involved. As Dr Seuss put it “Unless someone like YOU cares a whole awful lot. Nothing is going to get better. IT’s NOT.”
So, ifyou really want to change the world, start yourself by criticising your actions and taking in all information and make your own conclusions. Never take things for granted or for the absolute truth: all media, organisations, everybody has their angle and is biased, it is up to you to make sense of it and make it your truth. Not somebody elses and act accordingly. Because, after all the media, the bans on angora in H&M and who knows where else because of “public opinion” everybody is punished: the ones who rightfully need to change their attitude and business practices and also those who are trying to protect a breed, a species and lovingly care for them.
So, please, support small, support sustainable, support animal friendly and start caring !
Talk about caring : a good friend of mine called me this weekend asking me if I would be interested in saving two bunnies who would be put down otherwise, because they somehow did not have fluffy ears! For an English angora , according to the breed description and for showing, they have to have furnishings on the face and ears. These two didn’t and so, they were not able to be shown or bred with…I don’t show, I don’t care really if they have furnishings or not..I care about bunnies and love their fibre. So, although at the moment I am over my head in work, already said no to a dear dear friend in Tassie who needed help with bunny rehoming (Sorry Maree!) and still trying to get these alien tumors in my head under control, I wholeheartedly said yes and picked them up Monday. I just could not sit by and let that happen to those two buns. They didn’t have names yet, were born on sept 3rd so very cute and young and okay, had naked ears and half naked faces, but I was smitten ! I named them Django and Brunhilde (or Hilde for short) after a Quentin Tarantino movie I had just seen the night before about slavery so it seemed apt..THey have been freed...lol
They are doing great ! Hilde is super sweet and cute and wants cuddles all the time and Django, well, I discovered that he has little grey eyebrows..so cute!
Here they are on the IxCHeL farm:
Surely that will be the last thing to get angry about this week , I hear you say. Nooooo, there is more…but first a very nice thing happened: I was extremely surprised and happy when I received a parcel from my friend Mizpah from Bristlecone in the USA who sent me two amazing glindles and a care pack with chocolats!
Thank you thank you thank you so much for the awesome glindles . You warm my heart just when I needed it !
It seems that the last couple of months have been taken up dealing with absolute terrible customer service (you know who..lol) and then when you think it is just an isolated case of mismanagement of some, you come across another example of human idiotic behaviour.
Well, more than one actually…lol..but who is counting?
First of all I got earburnt on facebook that there was a huge thing going on with PETA and angora rabbits and cruelty towards angora bunnies in China (major angora producer of yarns and fibre, it used to be France, then Latin America and the industry moved towards the country that can produce a huge amount for hardly anything…the story of greed…anyway I digress, more on that later).
So there I was being showed how an angora bunny was harshly plucked, caged, looking miserable and public outrage followed…a big clothing company, H&M, cancelled all orders containing angora fibre because of this cruelty to animals and the rollercoaster has taken off. Everybody now believes that ALL angora garments and yarn is produced this way , disrespecting animals.
Now for starters, I do not agree with cruelty to animals, I love animals above all, I care deeply about the welfare of bunnies, however!!… people , media and the general public at large are total hypocrites ! I am angry because all of a sudden EVERY angora bunny is believed to be tortured, mistreated and culled after a couple of years for its fur…ridiculous!
No, there are caring angora lovers and fans out there who love, care and are gentle with their animals, harvest their fibre in a friendly way and spin it with love and care.
I remember when I was doing the art centre markets in Melbourne every Sunday and I got very very nasty looks from vegans, Peta fans and uninformed animal lovers …if looks could kill! Id be dead and buried by now!..I actually ran after a girl who mumbled something in front of my stall and told her”we don’t kill bunnies for fur, I give them haircuts! I comb them! I love them!”there was desperation in my voice then and even now, because once public opinion is wrongfully poisoned by mediocre biased reporting every angora breeder is a torturer of bunnies. I am NOT! And I am very very sick of trying to convince people of this. THAT’S why I am mad! Angry and disappointed above all.
The reason why mistreatment is going on and may I say not only of bunnies but of all animals AND people! Is our own stupidity: how can you possibly reasonably expect to buy a good, lasting, sustainable, luxurious product for almost next to nothing? Tell me! Do you really think that it is sustainable for a greedy company to comb their bunnies and still offer you a 100 gram skein yarn (the production of a bunny for three months !) spin it, dye it and offer it to you for $5 or $10? And that includes all the travelling costs and everything it has to go through, all the feed, housing, water, cleaning, etc. And yet, there you are…strolling around in Spotlight, Lincraft, big department stores buying your yarns and clothing for a dollar …. And complaining that the independent compassionate breeder and fibre artist is too expensive selling a skein for $25, which, in all truth is already ridiculously low seeing all the costs involved. As Dr Seuss put it “Unless someone like YOU cares a whole awful lot. Nothing is going to get better. IT’s NOT.”
So, ifyou really want to change the world, start yourself by criticising your actions and taking in all information and make your own conclusions. Never take things for granted or for the absolute truth: all media, organisations, everybody has their angle and is biased, it is up to you to make sense of it and make it your truth. Not somebody elses and act accordingly. Because, after all the media, the bans on angora in H&M and who knows where else because of “public opinion” everybody is punished: the ones who rightfully need to change their attitude and business practices and also those who are trying to protect a breed, a species and lovingly care for them.
So, please, support small, support sustainable, support animal friendly and start caring !
Talk about caring : a good friend of mine called me this weekend asking me if I would be interested in saving two bunnies who would be put down otherwise, because they somehow did not have fluffy ears! For an English angora , according to the breed description and for showing, they have to have furnishings on the face and ears. These two didn’t and so, they were not able to be shown or bred with…I don’t show, I don’t care really if they have furnishings or not..I care about bunnies and love their fibre. So, although at the moment I am over my head in work, already said no to a dear dear friend in Tassie who needed help with bunny rehoming (Sorry Maree!) and still trying to get these alien tumors in my head under control, I wholeheartedly said yes and picked them up Monday. I just could not sit by and let that happen to those two buns. They didn’t have names yet, were born on sept 3rd so very cute and young and okay, had naked ears and half naked faces, but I was smitten ! I named them Django and Brunhilde (or Hilde for short) after a Quentin Tarantino movie I had just seen the night before about slavery so it seemed apt..THey have been freed...lol
They are doing great ! Hilde is super sweet and cute and wants cuddles all the time and Django, well, I discovered that he has little grey eyebrows..so cute!
Here they are on the IxCHeL farm:
Brunhilde or Hilde for short…happy on the farm
Djangos sexy look …notice the eyebrows? lol.
Django contemplating
Did I have to get angry again this week? Yes, two Samsung fools came around last Tuesday…no! not to take the unit away, but to put the doors back on! …they didn’t even want to lift it off my trolley because they were not strong enough (oh pleeeeeeease! Two guys cant lift a fridge???? Gimme a break!) anyway, the unit is sitting with doors in my carport….when is it going to be picked up? I just received acall from a transport company and it will be picked up next monday!!! Supposedly..I will keep you informed.. Anybody who wants to say farewell to the Samsmurf is welcome to join me for a farewell party on Monday from 2pm til 5pm....Surely that will be the last thing to get angry about this week , I hear you say. Nooooo, there is more…but first a very nice thing happened: I was extremely surprised and happy when I received a parcel from my friend Mizpah from Bristlecone in the USA who sent me two amazing glindles and a care pack with chocolats!
Thank you thank you thank you so much for the awesome glindles . You warm my heart just when I needed it !
A Bristlecone parcel is always amazing !
Bristlecone Glindle with a Ghost glass focal
Bristlecone Sally Glindle with a gorgeous glass swirly focal..
LOVE the pyrography and the focal! Works of art !!!
Sky (apparently THE fashion colour for this summer!)
Autumn Blush
River , a gorgeous light tiffany blue
newest additions : badge nrs 84-90
Badges 1-20
Badges 21-40
Badges 41-59
Badges 60-83
LOVE the pyrography and the focal! Works of art !!!
The swirly focal of the Bristlecone Sally Glindle
Surely no more things after that wonderful uplifting parcel to get angry about this week , I hear you say. Nooooo, there is more…
Paul and I are going to celebrate our tenth year anniversary this January…we haven’t been on a holiday together for that whole time…having animals to care for makes it hard to do that: its hard to find “bunny sitters…” and ofcourse trying to run a small business doesn't really make a lot of money or give you holiday time...lol
Anyway, my fabulous sis in law and her husband volunteered for a weekend so we could get away in January. Yeah!
Then I started calling..we selected a special place close , because well, its only two days isn’t it..and I called McMillans of Metung resort in Gippsland….on line they were offering a nice getaway package (not cheap I might add!) so I wanted to book…it didn’t start well..I said hello, introduced myself in a friendly manner and explained it was for our ten year anniversary..upon which the woman at reception said…”sorry I have to put you on hold”….
......I waited patiently but thinking this was not really friendly…She got back on the phone, I started explaining again about the dates..
"I have to put you back on hold sorry”…..no she was not even checking dates for me or anything..it didn’t even appear she was istening to what I had to say!…
.....(this happened a total of three times ! three times!!!!) again..she got back just in time because I was already about to hang up….then thunder struck…"I'm sorry the indulgence package is not available in peak times”..well, that is strange because it doesn’t say so on your website! "Well that is a mistake then, wait I will ask"..this time, instead of putting me on hold, I could hear her yelling out to somebody else “Am I obliged to give her the deal?!” ..and she got back on the phone with me and said “No sorry! And wanted to go on......I interrupted her and said this was the worst case of service (apart from Samsung that is..lol) I came across in the hospitality sector and I wouldn’t even want to stay with them if they offered me for free and they gave me a bad vibe ....... hung up!” ….
I’m still livid…I’m still angry because we cannot even seem to be able to get away for just two days…pathetic….
I checked other hotels out all afternoon and they are either charging an arm and a leg or are booked out , because well, we had the audacity to get married in January didn’t we? lol ....Peak Summer period in Australia…so, Im angry, disappointed and , well, sad really.
But hey, Don’t worry I will get over it, I saved two buns this week, I created yarns, I received an awesome parcel with two gorgeous glindles and some chocolate .... and I cared..a lot. Now all I need is to come across more good people like you, who care a lot too….
This week I offer you some special handspun bunny mink yarn ! and ..yes..it is that time of year again….sign ups for the IxCHeL clubs are open!!!!
Please don't hesitate to contact me at any time if you have any questions okay? Always happy to enable. All my contact details are to be found at the end of this weeks blog entry. Have fun !!!
Bunny Mink Yarn
50grams + AU$25
A wonderfully gorgeous blend of Angora bunny and mink, both harvested very animal friendly and spun with love.
It is so soft it is out of this world and has heaps of yardage : 300 meters per 50 grams!! Suggested needle size is 3.25-4mm because it will fluff up!
It is so soft it is out of this world and has heaps of yardage : 300 meters per 50 grams!! Suggested needle size is 3.25-4mm because it will fluff up!
IxCHeL Club sign ups for 2014 are Open !!
The IxCHeL clubs sign ups are now open!! for the fibre, yarn, mini skein and batt clubs for January, february and March 2014!!
IxCHeL Fibre Club January, february and March 2014
The subscription is for a period of three months and you will receive one special hand dyed top/roving per month to the value of AU$22 , and as all of you past members know you get tops that are usually around $24 ! so it is a great deal!
All the tops will be hand dyed and will be especially made for the members of Ixchel Fibre Club !
Price to join the Ixchel Fibre Club #19 and receive your special hand dyed top :)) for three months (January, february and March 2014) is AU$66 + postage (parcel post or airmail). AND there are good value double serves available !!!
For Australia : single serve $66+$25 postage (parcel post), double serve $120+$25
For USA + Canada: single serve AU$66+AU$49 (Airmail) double serve AU$120+AU$49
For UK,Europe, rest of the world: Single serve AU$66+AU$58 (airmail) Double serve AU$120+AU$58
For Asia: Single serve AU$66+AU$42 (airmail) Double serve AU$120+AU$42
If you want to receive a fibre surprise every month then join the IXCHEL FIBRE CLUB #19 now. Numbers are strictly limited ! Deadline for signing up for fibre club #19 is January 8th! And the first instalment is going to be shipped out end of January. Payment via direct deposit or credit card or paypal. Just PM or email me your details
The IxCHeL Sock Yarn Club January, february and March 2014
Every month for three months (January, february and March 2014) you will receive: enough hand dyed luscious yummy yarn to make a pair of socks or a lush shawl or scarf ofcourse! (the hand dyed yarn will be exclusive for the Ixchelbunny SOCK-IT-TO-ME Yarn CLUB and will range from a sockweight yarn or a 3ply or a 4 ply); Every month a new sock pattern, tips and instructions ! Now is that GOOD or is that GOOD ??!
I will even offer a double serve for those of you who like their socks extra long
For Australia : single serve $78+$25 postage (parcel post) double serve $130 (= one skein FREE!!!) +$25
For USA + Canada: single serve AU$78+AU$49 (Airmail) double serve $130 (= one skein FREE!!!) +AU$49
For UK,Europe, rest of the world: Single serve AU$78+AU$58 (airmail) Double serve $130 (= one skein FREE!!!) +AU$58
For Asia: Single serve AU$78+AU$42 (airmail) Double serve $130 (= one skein FREE!!!) +AU$42
Numbers are strictly limited ! Deadline for signing up for the Ixchelbunny SOCK-IT-TO-ME Yarn CLUB! is January 8th.
Payment via direct deposit or credit card or paypal . Just PM or email me your details
By the way: you don’t HAVE to knit socks if you don’t want to.. the hand dyed yarn is amazingly nice for scarves, cowls, beanies and even tops ! Anything goes .
IxCHeL Mini skein Club January, february and March 2014
Every month I will be offering a monthly exclusive IxCHeL mini skein selection for Club members. In that monthly selection there are 12 hand dyed miniskeins that are hand dyed and or even hand spun and awesome to add to your mini skein projects.
Here are all the details for the sign ups for the IxCHeL Mini Skein Club:
For Australia : single serve $69+$25 postage (parcel post) double serve $130 (=even a better deal!) +$25
For USA + Canada: single serve AU$69+AU$49 (Airmail) double serve $130 (even a better deal!) +AU$49
For UK,Europe, rest of the world: Single serve AU$69+AU$58 (airmail) Double serve $130 (even a better deal!)+AU$58
For Asia: Single serve AU$69+AU$42 (airmail) Double serve $130 (even a better deal!)+AU$42
Numbers are strictly limited ! Deadline for signing up for the IxCHeL Mini Skein Club is January 8th.
The first Club mini skeins will be sent out end of January. Payment via direct deposit or credit card or paypal. Just PM or email me your details
IxCHeL Funky Bunny Batt Club January, february and March 2014
Here are all the details and just pm me when you have any questions or want to be part of the funky bunny batt club Movement ;-) Welcome to the blingy dark side ;-D
The subscription is for a period of three months and you will receive one special hand dyed funky bunny batt per month to the value of AU$32 or more .
The batts will range in weight from 100grams to 150grams with luxury fibres like camel , angora, cashmere, silk, yak, llama even wolf and bison! All the batts will be hand dyed and will be especially made for the members of Ixchel funky bunny Club ! Every month you will receive a HUGE luxury funky bunny batt !
Sign up now and you will receive an Ixchel Hand dyed , super luxurious funky bunny batt for January, february and March 2014!
Price to join the Ixchel Funky bunny for three months is :
For Australia : $96+$25 postage (parcel post)
For USA + Canada: AU$96+AU$49 (Airmail)
For UK,Europe, rest of the world: AU$96+AU$58 (airmail)
For Asia: AU$96+AU$42 (airmail)
If you want to receive a fibre surprise every month then join the IXCHEL FUNKY BUNNY Batt CLUB now. Numbers are strictly limited ! Deadline for signing up for the funky bunny batt club January 8th and the first installment is going to be shipped out end of January 2014 :) Payment via direct deposit or credit card or paypal. Just PM or email me
Wicked Threads Embroidery
Fun Embroidery patch to dress up any bottle and make it into your own Witches Brew! for the Holiday Season !
Want to give somebody something special and still let them pick out their fav colour or fibre blend? Well, search no more: I offer an IxCHeL gift voucher package that is so hard to resist you even want to buy one for yourself ..lol Here’s the deal:
AU$25 Personalised giftvoucher Pack
Comes with a personalised gift voucher and free post for the receivers first order in Australia and a $8 discount on shipping for the rest of the world!
AU$50 Personalised giftvoucher Pack
Comes with a personalised giftvoucher, free post for the receivers first order in Australia and a $8 discount on shipping for the rest of the world! ! and a cute badge a bunny photo and last but not least some amazing fluffy stuff in a gift pack
AU$100 Personalised giftvoucher Pack
Comes with a personalised Christmas giftvoucher, free post for the receivers first order in Australia and a $8 discount on shipping for the rest of the world! ! a badge, and last but not least some amazing fluffy stuff and yarn in a gift pack!
Just let me know what giftvoucher pack you would like to gift to a friend or hey, you can even gift it to yourself ! And I will send you all the details.
Happy funny Badges to attach to just about anything: your craft bags, clothes, the perfect little gifts !
1 badge AU$2
Buy 10 for AU$18
20 badges for AU$35
30 badges for AU$49
every badge has a nr so when ordering just mention the nr of the badge and how many you would like..easy!
How To Order:
1. You can email me on ixchel at rabbit dot com dot au or ixchelbunny at yahoo dot com dot au
2. message me on facebook or ravelry where I am Ixchelbunny.
I will email you right back with all your order details and payment methods.
Any questions? Any custom orders for yarn or dyeing fibre? Please don’t hesitate to ask! Always happy to enable.
2. message me on facebook or ravelry where I am Ixchelbunny.
I will email you right back with all your order details and payment methods.
Any questions? Any custom orders for yarn or dyeing fibre? Please don’t hesitate to ask! Always happy to enable.
Thank you so much for your help and support !
1 comment:
Hey Charly--sorry to hear you've been having such a bad time and yet glad to hear your spirit is alive and kicking! hugs to you and yours!
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