Friday, July 21, 2023

Make your own Magic

 Hand dyed super fluffy soft top in spring meadow happy colours

Another roller coaster ride of a week here! It all started with an onslaught of messages why I wasn’t at the Bendigo show at first, which lead me down the path of scrolling down social media to show support for my friends at the show, which led me to discover something that made me scream: someone on the other side of the world had used screenshots of my products from my shop to sell her own (?) totally different blend products in totally different colours !?!…. I was and still am flabbergasted by it and her subsequent responses after I confronted her. I will not get into it here but the whole episode is on view on my Facebook and Instagram social media: get the popcorn out folks🤣 Anyway, to make a long story short, i would probably not have discovered this whole schlemozzle plus the fact that there are people out there, who spend time not only using other peoples product photos to sell their own which look and are totally different, but also that they tap into friends and customer lists to stack their own. It appears that even in our little craft world we all need to be careful what we buy and from who. Do a “reverse photo search” to check if the photo of the product they’re trying to sell, appears on another website or page first. I have received the advice to watermark my photos or add some I’d tag to them. Oh joy…. Anyway, the initial shock has worn off, I’m still annoyed but at the same time I am super amazed at the gaslighting, the lies and weirdness in replies I received back from the culprit. Sigh…a total comedy…. 

I did not get much sleep..nothing new there actually..lolol..there were the July clubs to finish and send off! Good news all the parcels have been shipped this week so if you are a member of the IxCHeL art journey clubs: keep an eye out for a yummy parcel to arrive !

July art journey club batt fluffy photo

I will share the photos of all the July clubs later this month and yes, I am already prepping the August clubs atm, so a teaser label will appear on my social media very soon with all the Information on which artist and art work inspiration it is for August.

I have also been dyeing custom orders and the shop update this week AND … been doing heaps of spinning and plying of custom orders as well. This time it was Gothic tops in rainbow. I am super biased of course… but wow this blend is amazing to spin and the yarn looks absolutely stunning  …even if I say so myself 😉

Handspun gothic rainbow yarn


Next up to spin is Gothic Tops “Pumpkin King” also to spin in a fine fingering weight. I’ll share photos on my socials as soon as that one is finished as well.

I hope everybody is having a fabulous time in the Tour de Fleece Team IxCHeL ! I have seen some amaaaaaaazing spinning going on and, can I just say, some of you are spinning so much yarn I think you are going to beat the winner of the Tour de France ! What an enormous effort all of you and I cannot thank you enough for sharing all the fantastic photos on social media and with me! The Tour de France/Tour de Fleece finishes on Monday and I will announce the winner of Team IxCHeL on Tuesday ! The winner will receive a fabulous parcel but….not giving too much away yet: all will be revealed Tuesday July 25th on the Ixchelbunny Facebook and Instagram page! 
Don’t forget : All Team IxCHeL members also still have this weekend to use their tour de fleece discount! 

 Bunny on a bicycle wheels made of yarn balls on a background of bright yellow tour de fleece 2023

 What’s new for this week’s shop update ? Hmmmmmmm: something extremely fluffy, super soft, silky and yummmmm! Something that spins like butter ! Yes, butter! Although in all honesty I have never spun butter…well, not into yarn ..lolol

i have done some new colourways but also another “Inkheart” and here it is on the famous back ground so you can “compare” the colourway on all the different bases…so much fun to see how all the different fibres take the dye differently!

You can find the new Camelbunny Silk Cashmere tops on the shop, right here:

Inkheart colourway on a background of a night time magical forest

 Have lots of fun this weekend! 
Spin lots of yarn, knit, crochet or weave: do what makes your heart sing and makes you happy. 
Be kind, but don’t take any crap from anybody!

Be your own person and be proud of what you create: you are all awesome!

Thank you so, so much for all the support and love ♥️

big hugs



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