Well, believe it or not , but it is the last day of August and I am starting to see advertisements for Halloween and Christmas pop up! Time to make gifts !
Altough the Bendigo Show appeared to have happened just a few weeks ago, I have managed to dye and prep clubs, spin and dye custom orders and started prepping for the next show coming up at the end of September.
I started doing the calculations and it now is totally clear to me why I am starting to feel a "bit" tired not stopping the fast and furious schedule: All in all I dyed around 60 kilos just for the clubs and the custom orders since Bendigo show, not even counting the weekly updates. Quite a feat knowing that I only got back from Bendigo show 6 weeks ago and three months worth of IxCHeL clubs…. it seems much longer ..LOL !
The last three months of this year will see a lot of the same happening but also a vision quest for 2019: What new blends I can put together, what new fibre adventures to go on, what new creations to design and make ? What direction to take? What path to travel? Will I make it just as hard for myself as 2018 was or am I going to take a path that is slightly different, so I can take time out (hahahaha! I know! Hilarious! But I had to get it out there in the open so I ..maybe….can get my head around it and make it happen!) There are so many ideas in my heads and in my project books. Do it or stay where I am and feel like I am treadling water? You ever get that feeling ? You know: there is so much you feel you want to do, that in the end , you get nothing done? Like all the ideas are just aching to get out, but they are held back by this invisible wall, making it impossible to almost move or do anything. Well, that’s me at the moment. Not with the fibery stuff I have always done but the new ideas. I guess it is all about talking that first leap that is making me feel anxious about “will it work?”, “ Can I afford doing it?”, “will I succeed?”…you know, the ever existing doubtfulness that can be amazingly and terrifyingly crippling. On the one hand I like to make safe bets (who doesn’t..lol) and on the other hand, just like starting a new knitting project I sometimes say to myself: “hey, why not forget about swatching and just go for it!”…. You may wind up with a fantastic fitted jumper like you imagined or….you wind up with an oversized garment a whole family can live in…. I guess I have to take some time out to regroup my brain and make a decision one way or the other. This specifically has something to do with the IxCheL website under construction now for ..eh…12 years? LOL Yes..it seems I am an amazingly active procrastinator…..ROFL
Anyway, on with the show !!! Because tonight there are some pretty amazing fibery fluffy animals waiting to be released out in the open and ready for you to cuddle and give a good home ! And I am talking about these beauties :
Altough the Bendigo Show appeared to have happened just a few weeks ago, I have managed to dye and prep clubs, spin and dye custom orders and started prepping for the next show coming up at the end of September.
I started doing the calculations and it now is totally clear to me why I am starting to feel a "bit" tired not stopping the fast and furious schedule: All in all I dyed around 60 kilos just for the clubs and the custom orders since Bendigo show, not even counting the weekly updates. Quite a feat knowing that I only got back from Bendigo show 6 weeks ago and three months worth of IxCHeL clubs…. it seems much longer ..LOL !
The last three months of this year will see a lot of the same happening but also a vision quest for 2019: What new blends I can put together, what new fibre adventures to go on, what new creations to design and make ? What direction to take? What path to travel? Will I make it just as hard for myself as 2018 was or am I going to take a path that is slightly different, so I can take time out (hahahaha! I know! Hilarious! But I had to get it out there in the open so I ..maybe….can get my head around it and make it happen!) There are so many ideas in my heads and in my project books. Do it or stay where I am and feel like I am treadling water? You ever get that feeling ? You know: there is so much you feel you want to do, that in the end , you get nothing done? Like all the ideas are just aching to get out, but they are held back by this invisible wall, making it impossible to almost move or do anything. Well, that’s me at the moment. Not with the fibery stuff I have always done but the new ideas. I guess it is all about talking that first leap that is making me feel anxious about “will it work?”, “ Can I afford doing it?”, “will I succeed?”…you know, the ever existing doubtfulness that can be amazingly and terrifyingly crippling. On the one hand I like to make safe bets (who doesn’t..lol) and on the other hand, just like starting a new knitting project I sometimes say to myself: “hey, why not forget about swatching and just go for it!”…. You may wind up with a fantastic fitted jumper like you imagined or….you wind up with an oversized garment a whole family can live in…. I guess I have to take some time out to regroup my brain and make a decision one way or the other. This specifically has something to do with the IxCheL website under construction now for ..eh…12 years? LOL Yes..it seems I am an amazingly active procrastinator…..ROFL
Anyway, on with the show !!! Because tonight there are some pretty amazing fibery fluffy animals waiting to be released out in the open and ready for you to cuddle and give a good home ! And I am talking about these beauties :
Warning: There is only a tiny bit of this awesome fibre. Safe to say I have had to be extremely careful and not breathe too heavy because I cannot afford it being blown off in the wind never to be seen again; it is just too preciousssss: Guanaco.
Guanaco near the observatory
It has been a dream of mine after the IxCHeL Vicuna blend in 2015 to get my hands on the wonderful and supersoft Guanaco and here it is: I concocted a blend that is literally so soft it cannot be described other than “orgasmic” ..yes, really. Lots of careful blending and calculating and trials have brought this blend to you comprising of 60% guanaco, Luscious Muga silk, Amazing cashmere and the ever lovely Angora bunny!
So what is Guanaco and where does it come from?
Guanaco fibre is particularly prized for its soft, warm feel and is found in luxury fabric. The guanaco's soft wool is valued second only to that of the vicuña. The guanaco is double-coated with coarse guard hairs and a soft undercoat, which is about 16-18 µ in diameter and comparable to the best cashmere. Only the super soft undercoat is used in this blend and it is amazing !
The guanaco is an animal native to the arid, mountainous regions of South America. They are found in the altiplano of Peru, Bolivia and Chile . In Argentina, they are more numerous in Patagonian regions, as well as in places such as the Torres del Paine National Park, and Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego. In these areas, they have more robust populations, since grazing competition from livestock is limited. Estimates, as of 2011, place their numbers at 400,000 to 600,000. A small introduced population exists on Staats Island in the Falkland Islands, with a population of around 400 as of 2003. Guanacos live in herds composed of females, their young, and a dominant male. Bachelor males form separate herds. While female groups tend to remain small, often containing no more than 10 adults, bachelor herds may contain as many as 50 males. When they feel threatened, guanacos alert the herd to flee with a high-pitched, bleating call. The male usually runs behind the herd to defend them. They can run at 56 km (35 mi) per hour, often over steep and rocky terrain. They are also excellent swimmers!! A guanaco's typical lifespan is 20 to 25 years. Guanacos are one of the largest wild mammal species found in South America (along with the manatee, the tapir, and the jaguar). Natural predators include cougars, jaguars, and foxes. Guanacos often spit when threatened, same as their alpaca and llama counterparts! To protect its neck from harm, the guanaco has developed thicker skin on its neck, a trait still found in its domestic counterpart, the llama, and its relatives, the wild vicuña and domesticated alpaca.
Mating season occurs between November and February, during which males often fight violently to establish dominance and breeding rights. Eleven-and-a-half months later, a single chulengo, or baby Guanaco, is born. Chulengos are able to walk immediately after birth. Male chulengos are chased off from the herd around one year of age.
Although the species is still considered wild, around 300 guanacos are in US zoos and around 200 are registered in private herds.
Another titbit of information: Guanacos are often found at high altitudes, up to 4,000 meters above sea level, except in Patagonia, where the southerly latitude means ice covers the vegetation at these altitudes. For guanacos to survive in the low oxygen levels found at these high altitudes, their blood is rich in red blood cells. A teaspoon of guanaco blood contains about 68 billion red blood cells – four times that of a human !
Some guanacos live in the Atacama Desert, where in some areas it has not rained for over 50 years! A coastline running parallel to the desert enables them to survive. Where the cool water touches the hot land, the air above the desert is cooled, creating a fog and thus, water vapour. Winds carry the fog across the desert, where cacti catch the water droplets and lichens that cling to the cacti soak it in like a sponge. When the guanacos eat the cacti flowers and the lichens, the water is transferred to them. So when they eat the cactus flowers they basically get a drink at the same time.
Club sign ups for the next round are still open; especially the batt club and the sock yarn clubs are filling up very fast, so do not wait to re-sign if you are a current member or if you are thinking of joining for the first time! Lots of fantastic art is waiting to be “translated” into fibre colours again ! Have a fun week creating and cuddling some fluffy yarns and fibres ! To order: email or message me on facebook or Instagram, quoting the colourway and the quantity you would like, together with your postal address and I will get right back to you with all the payment details.
Guanaco, Muga Silk, Cashmere, Angora Bunny
50g + AU$45
A Wrinkle In Time
Milk and Honey
Patagonian Sunset
Rusty Nail
The Alchemist
The Alice Network
Unicorn Rainbow
The Flower Moon
Sheep and Woolcraft Field day
Pakenham Hall
Corner Henry and John Street , Pakenham
9.30 - 3.00pm
This awesome event is hosted by the Black & Coloured Sheep Breeders of South East Victoria
There will be craft demos, wonderful fleeces, a petting farm from the Elisabeth Murdoch College, Raffle prizes and of course a huge amount of stall holders offering fantastic fluffy fibres and yarns.
I will be there again as well of course (would not miss it for the world) and I will have some new products again that could not be ready for the Bendigo Show like, natural dyes, plant seeds to grow your own dye garden, natural dye kits, new yarn and design kits as well as my usual range of super fluffy yarns and blends.
I will give you a nice overview closer to the date to help you prepare your shopping list ;-)
It has been a dream of mine after the IxCHeL Vicuna blend in 2015 to get my hands on the wonderful and supersoft Guanaco and here it is: I concocted a blend that is literally so soft it cannot be described other than “orgasmic” ..yes, really. Lots of careful blending and calculating and trials have brought this blend to you comprising of 60% guanaco, Luscious Muga silk, Amazing cashmere and the ever lovely Angora bunny!
So what is Guanaco and where does it come from?
Guanaco fibre is particularly prized for its soft, warm feel and is found in luxury fabric. The guanaco's soft wool is valued second only to that of the vicuña. The guanaco is double-coated with coarse guard hairs and a soft undercoat, which is about 16-18 µ in diameter and comparable to the best cashmere. Only the super soft undercoat is used in this blend and it is amazing !
The guanaco is an animal native to the arid, mountainous regions of South America. They are found in the altiplano of Peru, Bolivia and Chile . In Argentina, they are more numerous in Patagonian regions, as well as in places such as the Torres del Paine National Park, and Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego. In these areas, they have more robust populations, since grazing competition from livestock is limited. Estimates, as of 2011, place their numbers at 400,000 to 600,000. A small introduced population exists on Staats Island in the Falkland Islands, with a population of around 400 as of 2003. Guanacos live in herds composed of females, their young, and a dominant male. Bachelor males form separate herds. While female groups tend to remain small, often containing no more than 10 adults, bachelor herds may contain as many as 50 males. When they feel threatened, guanacos alert the herd to flee with a high-pitched, bleating call. The male usually runs behind the herd to defend them. They can run at 56 km (35 mi) per hour, often over steep and rocky terrain. They are also excellent swimmers!! A guanaco's typical lifespan is 20 to 25 years. Guanacos are one of the largest wild mammal species found in South America (along with the manatee, the tapir, and the jaguar). Natural predators include cougars, jaguars, and foxes. Guanacos often spit when threatened, same as their alpaca and llama counterparts! To protect its neck from harm, the guanaco has developed thicker skin on its neck, a trait still found in its domestic counterpart, the llama, and its relatives, the wild vicuña and domesticated alpaca.
Mating season occurs between November and February, during which males often fight violently to establish dominance and breeding rights. Eleven-and-a-half months later, a single chulengo, or baby Guanaco, is born. Chulengos are able to walk immediately after birth. Male chulengos are chased off from the herd around one year of age.
Although the species is still considered wild, around 300 guanacos are in US zoos and around 200 are registered in private herds.
Another titbit of information: Guanacos are often found at high altitudes, up to 4,000 meters above sea level, except in Patagonia, where the southerly latitude means ice covers the vegetation at these altitudes. For guanacos to survive in the low oxygen levels found at these high altitudes, their blood is rich in red blood cells. A teaspoon of guanaco blood contains about 68 billion red blood cells – four times that of a human !
Some guanacos live in the Atacama Desert, where in some areas it has not rained for over 50 years! A coastline running parallel to the desert enables them to survive. Where the cool water touches the hot land, the air above the desert is cooled, creating a fog and thus, water vapour. Winds carry the fog across the desert, where cacti catch the water droplets and lichens that cling to the cacti soak it in like a sponge. When the guanacos eat the cacti flowers and the lichens, the water is transferred to them. So when they eat the cactus flowers they basically get a drink at the same time.
Club sign ups for the next round are still open; especially the batt club and the sock yarn clubs are filling up very fast, so do not wait to re-sign if you are a current member or if you are thinking of joining for the first time! Lots of fantastic art is waiting to be “translated” into fibre colours again ! Have a fun week creating and cuddling some fluffy yarns and fibres ! To order: email or message me on facebook or Instagram, quoting the colourway and the quantity you would like, together with your postal address and I will get right back to you with all the payment details.
Guanaco Blend Tops
50g + AU$45

IxCHeL Club Sign ups are open now !
Here is a photo compilation of the previous club months January to July to give you an idea what the "Art Journey" Theme of this years clubs has been all about : The interpretation of art into fibre.
IxCHeL Fibre Club October, November, December 2018
The subscription is for a period of three months and you will receive one special hand dyed top/roving per month to the value of AU$24 or more.
All the tops will be hand dyed and will be especially made for the members of IxCHeL Fibre Club ! Price to join the IxCHeL Fibre Club #37 and receive your special hand dyed top :)) for three months (October, November, December 2018) is AU$72 + postage (parcel post or airmail). AND there are good value double serves available !!!
For Australia : single serve $72+$29 postage (parcel post), double serve $136+$29 (save $8) or triple serves $204 (save $12!) + postage
For USA + Canada: single serve AU$72+AU$57 (Airmail) double serve AU$136+AU$57
For UK,Europe, rest of the world: Single serve AU$72+AU$69 (airmail) Double serve AU$136+AU$69
For Asia: Single serve AU$72+AU$50 (airmail) Double serve AU$136+AU$50
If you want to receive a fibre surprise every month then join the IXCHEL FIBRE CLUB #37 now. Numbers are strictly limited ! The October 2018 Club is going to be shipped out end of October, the November club mid November and the December club Early December. Payment via direct deposit or credit card or paypal. Just PM or email me your details.
The IxCHeL Sock Yarn Clubs October, November, December 2018
Every month for three months (October, November, December 2018) you will receive: enough hand dyed luscious yummy yarn to make a pair of socks or a lush shawl or scarf of course! (the hand dyed yarn will be exclusive for the Ixchelbunny SOCK-IT-TO-ME Yarn CLUB and will range from a sockweight yarn (a 4ply/fingering weight yarn) or an 8ply / DK weight enough to make a pair of socks ; Every month a sock pattern, tips and instructions ! Now is that GOOD or is that GOOD ??!
I will even offer a double serve for those of you who like their socks extra long !
For Australia : single serve $87+$29 postage (parcel post) double serve $146(= one skein FREE!!!) +$29
For USA + Canada: single serve AU$87+AU$57 (Airmail) double serve $146 (= one skein FREE!!!) +AU$57
For UK,Europe, rest of the world: Single serve AU$87+AU$69 (airmail) Double serve $145 (= one skein FREE!!!) +AU$69
For Asia: Single serve AU$87+AU$50 (airmail) Double serve $145 (= one skein FREE!!!) +AU$50
Numbers are strictly limited !
Payment via direct deposit or credit card or paypal . Just PM or email me your details
By the way: you don’t HAVE to knit socks if you don’t want to.. the hand dyed yarn is amazingly nice for scarves, cowls, beanies and even tops ! Anything goes . The October 2018 Club is going to be shipped out end of October, the November club mid November and the December club Early December.
IxCHeL Funky Bunny Batt Clubs October, November, December 2018
Here are all the details and just pm me when you have any questions or want to be part of the funky bunny batt club Movement ;-) Welcome to the blingy dark side ;-D
The subscription is for a period of three months and you will receive one special hand dyed funky bunny batt per month to the value of AU$40 or more .
The batts will range in weight from 140grams to 170grams with luxury fibres like camel , angora, cashmere, silk, yak, llama even wallaby and bison and rare sheep breeds !!!! All the batts will be hand dyed and will be especially made for the members of IxCHeL funky bunny Club ! Every month you will receive a HUGE luxury funky bunny batt !
Sign up now and you will receive an IxCHeL Hand dyed , super luxurious funky bunny batt for July, August and September 2018.
Price to join the IxCHeL Funky bunny for three months is :
For Australia : $114+$29 postage (parcel post)
For USA + Canada: AU$114+AU$57 (Airmail)
For UK,Europe, rest of the world: AU$114+AU$69 (airmail)
For Asia: AU$114+AU$50 (airmail)
If you want to receive a fibre surprise every month then join the IXCHEL FUNKY BUNNY BATT CLUB now.
Numbers are strictly limited !
The October 2018 Club is going to be shipped out end of October, the November club mid November and the December club Early December. Payment via direct deposit or credit card or paypal. Just PM or email me
Have a fun week Creating your Dreams!
All my contact details are here:
How To Order:
1. You can email me on ixchel at rabbit dot com dot au or ixchelbunny at yahoo dot com dot au
2. Message me on facebook or
3. Message me on www.ravelry.com where I am ixchelbunny.
4. message me on Instagram where I am @ixchelbunny
I will email you right back with all your order details and payment methods.
Any questions? Any custom orders for yarn or dyeing fibre? : Please don’t hesitate to ask! Always happy to enable.
2. Message me on facebook or
3. Message me on www.ravelry.com where I am ixchelbunny.
4. message me on Instagram where I am @ixchelbunny
I will email you right back with all your order details and payment methods.
Any questions? Any custom orders for yarn or dyeing fibre? : Please don’t hesitate to ask! Always happy to enable.
Dates to put in your Calendar
Sunday September 30th
Pakenham Hall
Corner Henry and John Street , Pakenham
9.30 - 3.00pm
This awesome event is hosted by the Black & Coloured Sheep Breeders of South East Victoria
There will be craft demos, wonderful fleeces, a petting farm from the Elisabeth Murdoch College, Raffle prizes and of course a huge amount of stall holders offering fantastic fluffy fibres and yarns.
I will be there again as well of course (would not miss it for the world) and I will have some new products again that could not be ready for the Bendigo Show like, natural dyes, plant seeds to grow your own dye garden, natural dye kits, new yarn and design kits as well as my usual range of super fluffy yarns and blends.
I will give you a nice overview closer to the date to help you prepare your shopping list ;-)