A big yarn and fibre show is on every year in Melbourne, more precise in the suburb of Coburg at Merribek town hall, organised by the fabulous handknitters and crocheters guild Victoria and, Paul and I are there like clockwork. It is fun, it’s super well organised and all the people the and the “vibe” is amazing. This year, like the last few years since the pandemic, it runs over two days and this time it’s next weekend: Saturday June 1st and Sunday June 2nd (from 10-3pm).
Exciting ! It is a fabulous event and so, like every year, I have been preparing special fluffy products for..well, since the day the last show ended..lol. So many yarns, so much handspun, so many special fibres on offer and so many gorgeous spindles, bowls, tools and more.
This year, this handknitters guild Yarn and Fibre show will be the ONLY show I will be doing so, if you want to take advantage of seeing both Paul and myself in action like Kermit the frog flailing about and trying to get our stall up and running in…eh..two hours (we only get two hours to set up) this is the time!
Also, every year, I think the same thing: do we have enough stock?I don’t have enough…I need more of this and that and wouldn’t it be a great idea to do this extra bit? By the end of all that excruciating deliberating, it is safe to say I ALWAYS come to the same conclusion when packing the van AND when putting up the stall for the show: “I need a bigger boat”! 🤣 Clearly, 20 years of doing this have not taught me anything because I still think, until two hours before the show that I do not have enough 🤣
So, here I am, done all the dyeing (finished yesterday!) and yes, I am still spinning and plying yarn ! Paul has been doing some great organising to get everything labelled, and packed into tubs ready for transport and entering all of our stock into the Square payment point of sale system we will be using at the market so everybody can shop using their various cards if need be but if you want to pay by cash that is equally very acceptable. Actually, I think cash is always better for us stallholders, because the bank fees are excruciating..and sometimes shows are at places where there is limited reception (not this one !) so it’s always safe to have several options open I always say. Anyway, I digress…(see I’m a bit hectic atm, trying to get as much done as possible..lol).
Well, I have promised all of you an overview of what will be on offer at the show (call it a shopping list) so, here it is ! Get ready! Set? Go!
Handspun yarns
Angora bunny natural and hand dyed
Angora bunny, cashmere and silk yarns in fabulous colours
Wallaby, Cashmere, Silk, Merino yarn
Possum Cashmere Silk Merino yarn
Guanaco yarns
Rare breed yarns with bison and vampire deer
IxCHeL sock yarn :merino, silk, nylon (100g,410m) 33 colourways !! About 20 kilos of it!
IxCHeL silver star sock yarn: merino, cashmere, nylon, silver stellina (423m/100g): 24 colourways ( over 12kilos of silver star yarn)
IxCHeL tweed yarns ! Fabulous for colourwork! 28 colourways! More than 15 kilos of solid dyed with fun tweedy colour pops!
IxCHeL cashmerino Lace yarn : 30 hand dyed colourways: over 14 kilos of yumminess
IxCHeL kid mohair Silk Merino yarn: 11 colourways!
IxCHeL Gaia DK organic merino yarn: 28 colourways with about 10 kilos of knitting fun!
Silk ribbon yarns (great for weaving and art yarn accents!)
Cotton Spiral spun yarns
Blind date yarn surprise packs !
AND THATS JUST THE YARN SECTION! Now on to the Lair of the Bearded Dragon spindles and tools:
LAIR OF THE BEARDED DRAGON SPINDLES: there will be LOTS of spindles WITH AND WITHOUT INLAY in all shapes and sizes and weights. There are drop spindles with top and bottom whorls, Tibetan support spindles, Lotus phangs, Scottish style dealgans (mini and full sized ones).
Spindle Bowls and Chalice lapbowls!
wood turned Orifice hooks, with WPI gauge (twist it little helpers)
Will there be fibre? I hear you ask?! OH YESSSS! Sooooooooo much fibre! And here’s the list:
BATTS! (Wallaby, possum and angora batts!!)
Babydoll Southdown tops
Black Bunny Tops
Blossom Bunny tops with rose fibres
Camelbunny silk Cashmere tops
Cashmere Fling tops
Cashmerino Silk tops
Castlemilk Moorit tops rare breed
Diva Tops
Fire Star tops great for adding to batts, felting or art yarn for that extra bit of glamour shine
Flower Power tops with alpaca
Gothic tops super black merino with lush silk in 10 colourways!
Grå Trønder rare (breed tops)
Guanaco blend tops (rare breed)
Happy Bunny tops with hemp
Hog Island sheep tops (rare breed)
Machu Picchu tops with superfine merino, silk and merino
Magic tops with rainbow glitz
Manx Laughtan tops (rare breed)
Merino Silk tops
Merino Tencel Silk tops
Mulberry Silk tops
Navajo Churro tops (rare breed)
North Ronaldsay blend tops (rare breed)
Ouessant Bfl silk tops (rare breed)
Pearl bunny tops with chitin!
Romanov tops (rare breed)
Shetland dream tops (rare breed)
Tundra tops with qiviut (rare breed)
Viva Frida tops with Navajo Churro
Wensleydale tops (rare breed)
Yak tops
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz… I was thinking of getting some rest after the show, but I need to prep and dye the June club immediately when I come back!
also: important notice! The online shop will still be available but with very limited offerings. Unfortunately we can’t be in two places at the same time ..lol
Safe to say there will be NO Friday shop update but I will definitely make it up to you when I get back from the show.
I hope to see you at the show. Please say hello and do some wool and yarn diving!

have a fun week!