First of all a huge thank you to all who happily participated in my “Blind date Night” last week Friday!
I hope all your blind dates arrived safe and sound and have “hit the spot” ..so to speak !
Today is the last Friday in May ! So last but not least I thought I would offer you some special cottontail yarns.
I hope you are all doing okay. Or better than okay ! I hope you are all doing brilliant and having lots of fun.
I know it is a tough time for lots of people not only with the pandemic but with so many divisive, dissonant voices filling the airwaves. As if a global pandemic isn’t enough , there always will be people around who believe that pulling things apart even further will be more helpful than coming together. Obviously this is not true. I believe that even when you have slightly different opinions, it can still be possible to be friends. Kind of like: I prefer to knit continental, you may love “throwing” (=English style) or even Portuguese ! Fine! Everybody is different. There is no method superior than another. Each to their own. At least that’s the way I feel.
Mind you: knitting styles are not a major ethical dilemma...yet...lol ! It’s not like the “Continental knitters” are picking up their needles and marching on the streets…..and I certainly hope this is not going to happen. I believe in all knitting styles and forms. Free knitting love so to speak !
Another thing that I have been mulling over, while in isolation and social media and the news is in my face a LOT, is , well, just that! If something is written or shown on a screen, it does not mean it is the truth, that it really happened or that it is worthwhile adapting. I know I am doing the exact same thing here..lol: voicing my opinion and trying to maybe influence your thinking, but I am doing this with all the best intentions.
What really has to be at the top of our list, from the moment we wake up is this : “Who wrote this opinion?”, “Who printed it?”, “What message are they giving me?” and “ what are they trying to achieve voicing that message” …together with :IS IT TRUE OR FALSE?”
There are so many fake news stories, troll farms, deceitful robots, junk news operations and political operatives at work here , trying to win over our brains on a daily basis , it is downright scary. Over the last few months I have been inundated by fake conspiracy theories about vaccines, the virus, the pandemic, politics and so much more. I am sure I am not the only one. We all spend a huge amount of extra time on social media these days and the impact is astronomical. I have seen acquaintances and friends pulled into the dark side of misinformation, so please be critical about everything.
If you would like to learn more about it: read the book by Philip N. Howard : "Lie Machines". A very enlightening read.
Before that I finished David Quammens "Spillover" (about infectious diseases and zoonosis. do not tell me you believe in a corona virus conspiracy, read this !) and am now reading some banking horror stories "Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank and an epic trail of destruction"..... Just before I start to reread some Tolkien Lord of the Rings, I thought this version of Dark Towers was apt...lol
In between these rather serious non fiction books, I read, if you would like a laugh,
"Wow, no thank you" by Samantha Irby.
and Yes, I did judge the book by its cover, because seriously: who can ignore a green cover with a bunny???? WHO?!!!!! Besides the cover: she is hilarious, a fab writer and you should read her other books like "We are never meeting in real life" .

Last week was a pretty hectic time for me, mentally and physically. I have been trying to get myself under control. I am not entirely there yet, but I am getting there. It definitely has something to do with the yarn market being cancelled and feeling an absolute dread of purpose…. Yeah, laugh at me if you like, but this is my life. Well, sad but true, the only life really. For the last decade (at least!) I have been so focused on this yarn and fibre baby of mine, I kind of “forgot” to have another life running along side of it. So what started out as an act of self preservation because I needed to fill the huge hole in my life (being childless) , I succeeded in filling it to the brim with fibre and yarn work. And, knowing me, I am an absolute expert in over doing things..or , as they say. Not doing things by halves…. Obsessed, you may say.
In short, with all the shows being cancelled, a huge part of my “meaning” was cancelled as well. This is of course not to say that the weekly updates are not meaningful or a goal. They totally are, but they are not quite the same as having to blend, prepare, spin and dye hundreds of kilos for shows…lol The updates are like a band doing an acoustic gig in a small, intimate club. The Shows are like a mega band playing in a huge stadium. I love doing the small gigs aka weekly updates and I may have always been super nervous and afraid before a huge stadium crowd, but I sure as hell am missing that adrenaline rush and the PUSH , mentally and physically, I give myself. See! I KNOW ! It’s stupid isn’t it?! it is illogical, but it is how I feel at the moment and I just need to deal with it and find a solution.
So, I am pushing myself to do new things. Learn new things. Not get stuck. I am working hard to get a new exciting path ready (keep an eye out on my IG and FB accounts for more info!). I guess that is it! Well, for me anyway. Sometimes getting out of ones comfort zone can be terrifying on one hand, but totally and utterly exciting and invigorating on the other.
Like, learning new skills ! Learn to knit fair isle, brioche! Start crocheting ! Experiment with spinning lace or art yarns! Come out of your shell and explore. It might be terrifying, and, maybe, just maybe, you’ll go : “Oh Gawd! I really hated that entre-lac adventure” , but who knows! You may absolutely LOVE IT and ENJOY learning new things. I guess that why I have done those yarn blind dates last week: a small way to get some excitement and maybe, just maybe, a challenge or a new colourway to play with. Change: the spice of life 😊
What are you planning this week?
Well, I know exactly what I will be planning: Something NEW! This month was all about yarns, because of the Handknitters show. June will be an amazing fibre event month !
There is going to be some pretty exciting fluff hopping about on this blog in June ! That’s not to say there will be no yarns though ! or other things.. I am planning a lot ! Ambitious I know…lol but, I gotta keep “swimming”. 😉 Also, I am preparing the June yarn, batt and fibre club , which will be huge !!! Teaser photos coming next week so keep an eye out on my instagram and facebook pages !
Also, my fun Ashford Inklette loom has been warped up again and again, ready for another fun weave: more on that next week !
If you would like to try your hand at inkle weaving : I have the Ashford Inklette and the Ashford Inkle loom available for order for you (AU$70-AU$120)!
You will LOVE IT! (Email or PM me if you need more info!)
Also: IxCHeL club sign ups for the next period , July, August and September, are open to sign up for as well !
Here are some photos of the May Clubs that were shipped out earlier:
Stay safe, stay connected and please, do not forget to have fun ! Please let message me if you have any questions okay? Always happy to help and enable !
Sky Blue (Dyed with home grown Woad) SOLD
Indigo (Dyed with Homegrown Japanese Indigo) SOLD
Mr Blue Sky SOLD
Little Mermaid 1 left
Rainbow Speckles. SOLD
Natural dye experiment: Elderberry, saffron, walnut,cochineal,woad
Odyssey (dyed with homegrown indigo, ivy and comfrey)
My favourite !!!
(I know..I’m in a green mood and biased…lol )
( If you like Absinthe and Lime, this yarn will be your thing ! )
Green Grass 2 left
1 left
Saffron (dyed with…you got it: homegrown saffron)
Break the chain
You know what I am going to say: This colourway is excellent to combine with Saffron and Odyssey!
Rose (dyed with homegrown Madder root)
An amazing fairytale blush, ballerina pink colour !
3 left
if you are interested in my madder root pigment: Please let me know!
I have some dried madder root pigment in stock at the moment !!! Email or message me !
Milkshake Duck 2 left
Hot Pink Flamingos 3 left
Note to all International club members:
All international club parcels are now being shipped with tracking and expedited. There is an option if you want all three of your clubs to be shipped together to save on shipping cost:
just ask me for a postage quote !
Woad seed packs are $7 (Only one pack left !!!)
True Indigo and Japanese Indigo seeds are $8 (Only one pack left each!!)
both come with planting instructions and a recipe to make your own dye bath!
beautiful woad plants getting bigger !

IxCHeL Aran Tweed Coral Sea

IxCHeL Aran weight Tweed Coral Sea with bright pops of colour

IxCHeL Aran Tweed Opal

IxCHeL Aran weight Tweed Opal with bright pops of colour
I hope all your blind dates arrived safe and sound and have “hit the spot” ..so to speak !
Today is the last Friday in May ! So last but not least I thought I would offer you some special cottontail yarns.
I hope you are all doing okay. Or better than okay ! I hope you are all doing brilliant and having lots of fun.
I know it is a tough time for lots of people not only with the pandemic but with so many divisive, dissonant voices filling the airwaves. As if a global pandemic isn’t enough , there always will be people around who believe that pulling things apart even further will be more helpful than coming together. Obviously this is not true. I believe that even when you have slightly different opinions, it can still be possible to be friends. Kind of like: I prefer to knit continental, you may love “throwing” (=English style) or even Portuguese ! Fine! Everybody is different. There is no method superior than another. Each to their own. At least that’s the way I feel.
Mind you: knitting styles are not a major ethical dilemma...yet...lol ! It’s not like the “Continental knitters” are picking up their needles and marching on the streets…..and I certainly hope this is not going to happen. I believe in all knitting styles and forms. Free knitting love so to speak !
Another thing that I have been mulling over, while in isolation and social media and the news is in my face a LOT, is , well, just that! If something is written or shown on a screen, it does not mean it is the truth, that it really happened or that it is worthwhile adapting. I know I am doing the exact same thing here..lol: voicing my opinion and trying to maybe influence your thinking, but I am doing this with all the best intentions.
What really has to be at the top of our list, from the moment we wake up is this : “Who wrote this opinion?”, “Who printed it?”, “What message are they giving me?” and “ what are they trying to achieve voicing that message” …together with :IS IT TRUE OR FALSE?”
There are so many fake news stories, troll farms, deceitful robots, junk news operations and political operatives at work here , trying to win over our brains on a daily basis , it is downright scary. Over the last few months I have been inundated by fake conspiracy theories about vaccines, the virus, the pandemic, politics and so much more. I am sure I am not the only one. We all spend a huge amount of extra time on social media these days and the impact is astronomical. I have seen acquaintances and friends pulled into the dark side of misinformation, so please be critical about everything.
If you would like to learn more about it: read the book by Philip N. Howard : "Lie Machines". A very enlightening read.
Before that I finished David Quammens "Spillover" (about infectious diseases and zoonosis. do not tell me you believe in a corona virus conspiracy, read this !) and am now reading some banking horror stories "Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank and an epic trail of destruction"..... Just before I start to reread some Tolkien Lord of the Rings, I thought this version of Dark Towers was apt...lol
In between these rather serious non fiction books, I read, if you would like a laugh,
"Wow, no thank you" by Samantha Irby.
and Yes, I did judge the book by its cover, because seriously: who can ignore a green cover with a bunny???? WHO?!!!!! Besides the cover: she is hilarious, a fab writer and you should read her other books like "We are never meeting in real life" .

Last week was a pretty hectic time for me, mentally and physically. I have been trying to get myself under control. I am not entirely there yet, but I am getting there. It definitely has something to do with the yarn market being cancelled and feeling an absolute dread of purpose…. Yeah, laugh at me if you like, but this is my life. Well, sad but true, the only life really. For the last decade (at least!) I have been so focused on this yarn and fibre baby of mine, I kind of “forgot” to have another life running along side of it. So what started out as an act of self preservation because I needed to fill the huge hole in my life (being childless) , I succeeded in filling it to the brim with fibre and yarn work. And, knowing me, I am an absolute expert in over doing things..or , as they say. Not doing things by halves…. Obsessed, you may say.
In short, with all the shows being cancelled, a huge part of my “meaning” was cancelled as well. This is of course not to say that the weekly updates are not meaningful or a goal. They totally are, but they are not quite the same as having to blend, prepare, spin and dye hundreds of kilos for shows…lol The updates are like a band doing an acoustic gig in a small, intimate club. The Shows are like a mega band playing in a huge stadium. I love doing the small gigs aka weekly updates and I may have always been super nervous and afraid before a huge stadium crowd, but I sure as hell am missing that adrenaline rush and the PUSH , mentally and physically, I give myself. See! I KNOW ! It’s stupid isn’t it?! it is illogical, but it is how I feel at the moment and I just need to deal with it and find a solution.
So, I am pushing myself to do new things. Learn new things. Not get stuck. I am working hard to get a new exciting path ready (keep an eye out on my IG and FB accounts for more info!). I guess that is it! Well, for me anyway. Sometimes getting out of ones comfort zone can be terrifying on one hand, but totally and utterly exciting and invigorating on the other.
Like, learning new skills ! Learn to knit fair isle, brioche! Start crocheting ! Experiment with spinning lace or art yarns! Come out of your shell and explore. It might be terrifying, and, maybe, just maybe, you’ll go : “Oh Gawd! I really hated that entre-lac adventure” , but who knows! You may absolutely LOVE IT and ENJOY learning new things. I guess that why I have done those yarn blind dates last week: a small way to get some excitement and maybe, just maybe, a challenge or a new colourway to play with. Change: the spice of life 😊
What are you planning this week?
Well, I know exactly what I will be planning: Something NEW! This month was all about yarns, because of the Handknitters show. June will be an amazing fibre event month !
There is going to be some pretty exciting fluff hopping about on this blog in June ! That’s not to say there will be no yarns though ! or other things.. I am planning a lot ! Ambitious I know…lol but, I gotta keep “swimming”. 😉 Also, I am preparing the June yarn, batt and fibre club , which will be huge !!! Teaser photos coming next week so keep an eye out on my instagram and facebook pages !
Also, my fun Ashford Inklette loom has been warped up again and again, ready for another fun weave: more on that next week !
If you would like to try your hand at inkle weaving : I have the Ashford Inklette and the Ashford Inkle loom available for order for you (AU$70-AU$120)!
You will LOVE IT! (Email or PM me if you need more info!)

So for this update I’m offering you my Cottontail yarn.
A super soft Australian 4ply yarn, hand dyed with love. I used natural dyes on quite a few as well. I love how they came out and I hope you do too! The yarn is excellent for anything! From garments (I made skirts and dresses and scarves with mine!)
I hope you fall in love with this yarn as much as I have. And, because it is the last Friday of May: all of these cottontail yarns have a very special price ! Only this weekend ! So don’t wait too long! Once they are gone, they’re gone !
Also: IxCHeL club sign ups for the next period , July, August and September, are open to sign up for as well !
Here are some photos of the May Clubs that were shipped out earlier:

Stay safe, stay connected and please, do not forget to have fun ! Please let message me if you have any questions okay? Always happy to help and enable !
Here’s this weeks update . Email me , message me on facebook, Instagram or on Ravelry if you want to spin or felt some of these amazing fibres.
IxCHeL Cottontail yarn
Australian Cotton, hand dyed . 4 ply fingering weight
340 meters/ 371 yards 100grams 3.53 Oz
Special May Cottontail Price:
AU$22 (instead of AU$26)
I also have a few natural cottontail yarns available for the fantastic price of AU$15 per skein !!! Sold!
Great to combine with the hand dyed ones OR experiment dyeing your own! These natural Cottontail yarns are unbleached and gorgeous !


My favourite !!!
(I know..I’m in a green mood and biased…lol )

( If you like Absinthe and Lime, this yarn will be your thing ! )

1 left


You know what I am going to say: This colourway is excellent to combine with Saffron and Odyssey!

An amazing fairytale blush, ballerina pink colour !
3 left
if you are interested in my madder root pigment: Please let me know!
I have some dried madder root pigment in stock at the moment !!! Email or message me !

IxCHeL club sign ups are open !
Note to all International club members:
All international club parcels are now being shipped with tracking and expedited. There is an option if you want all three of your clubs to be shipped together to save on shipping cost:
just ask me for a postage quote !
IxCHeL Fibre Club July, August and September 2020
The subscription is for a period of three months and you will receive one special hand dyed and special blended top/roving per month
All the tops will be hand dyed and will be especially made for the members of IxCHeL Fibre Club ! Price to join the IxCHeL Fibre Club #44 and receive your special hand dyed top :)) for three months (July, August and September 2020) is AU$78 + postage (parcel post or airmail). AND there are good value double and triple serves available !!!
For Australia : single serve $78+$30 postage (parcel post), double serve $150(save $6) +$30m postage or triple serves $225 (save $9!) + $30 postage
For New Zealand : single serve $78+$45 postage (parcel post) double serve $150(save $6) +$45 postage
For New Zealand : single serve $78+$45 postage (parcel post) double serve $150(save $6) +$45 postage
For USA + Canada: single serve AU$75+AU$60 (Airmail) double serve AU$150+AU$60; triple serve $225 (save $9) + AU$60postage
For UK,Europe, rest of the world: Single serve AU$78+AU$72 (airmail) Double serve AU$150+AU$72; triple serve $225 (save $9) + AU$72postage
For Asia: Single serve AU$78+AU$57 (airmail) Double serve AU$150+AU$57; triple serves $225 (save $9) + AU$57postage
If you want to receive a fibre surprise every month then join the IXCHEL FIBRE CLUB #44 now. Numbers are strictly limited ! The July 2020 Club is going to be shipped out end of July. the August club mid August and the September club early September. Payment via direct deposit or credit card or paypal. Just PM or email me your details.
The IxCHeL Yarn Clubs July, August and September 2020
Every month for three months (July, August and September 2020) you will receive: enough hand dyed luscious yummy yarn to make a pair of socks or a lush shawl or scarf of course! (the hand dyed yarn will be exclusive for the Ixchelbunny SOCK-IT-TO-ME Yarn CLUB and will range from a sockweight yarn (a 4ply/fingering weight yarn); Every month a sock or scarf pattern, tips and instructions ! Now is that GOOD or is that GOOD ??!
I will even offer a double serve for those of you who like their socks or scarves extra long !
For Australia : single serve $96+$30 postage (parcel post) double serve $177( save $15!!) +$30 postage
For New Zealand : single serve $96+$45 postage (parcel post) double serve $177( save $15!!) +$45 postage
For USA + Canada: single serve AU$96+AU$60 (Airmail) double serve $177 (Save $15!!) +AU$60
For New Zealand : single serve $96+$45 postage (parcel post) double serve $177( save $15!!) +$45 postage
For USA + Canada: single serve AU$96+AU$60 (Airmail) double serve $177 (Save $15!!) +AU$60
For UK,Europe, rest of the world: Single serve AU$96+AU$72 (airmail) Double serve $177 (Save $15!!) +AU$72
For Asia: Single serve AU$96+AU$57 (airmail) Double serve $177 (= Save $15!!!) +AU$57
Numbers are strictly limited !
Payment via direct deposit or credit card or paypal . Just PM or email me your details
By the way: you don’t HAVE to knit socks if you don’t want to.. the hand dyed yarn is amazingly nice for scarves, cowls, beanies and even tops ! Anything goes . The July2020 Club is going to be shipped out end of July, the August club mid August and the September club early September. Payment via direct deposit or credit card or paypal. Just PM or email me your details
IxCHeL Funky Bunny Batt Clubs July, August and September 2020
Here are all the details. Just pm me when you have any questions or want to be part of the funky bunny batt club Movement ;-) Welcome to the blingy dark side ;-D
The subscription is for a period of three months and you will receive one special hand dyed funky bunny batt per month to the value of AU$40 or more .
The batts will range in weight from 140grams to 170grams with luxury fibres like camel , angora, cashmere, silk, yak, llama even wallaby and bison and rare sheep breeds !!!! All the batts will be hand dyed and will be especially made for the members of IxCHeL funky bunny Club ! Every month you will receive a HUGE luxury funky bunny batt !
Sign up now and you will receive an IxCHeL Hand dyed , super luxurious funky bunny batt for July, August and September 2020
Price to join the IxCHeL Funky bunny for three months is :
For Australia : $114+$30 postage (parcel post)
For New Zealand : single serve $114+$45 postage (parcel post)
For USA + Canada: AU$114+AU$60 (Airmail)
For New Zealand : single serve $114+$45 postage (parcel post)
For USA + Canada: AU$114+AU$60 (Airmail)
For UK,Europe, rest of the world: AU$114+AU$72 (airmail)
For Asia: AU$114+AU$57 (airmail)
If you want to receive a fibre surprise every month then join the IXCHEL FUNKY BUNNY BATT CLUB now.
Numbers are strictly limited !
The July 2020 Club is going to be shipped out end of July, the August club mid August and the September club early September. Payment via direct deposit or credit card or paypal. Just PM or email me your details.
To become a member just email me on ixchelbunnyart at gmail dot com or message me on facebook or Instagram. More on how to order the clubs and anything from this update later in the blog in the section “how to order”
To order: email or message me on facebook, Ravelry or Instagram, quoting the colourway and the quantity you would like, together with your postal address and I will get right back to you with all the payment details.
Woad, Japanese Indigo and True Indigo Dye seed packs
At the moment I have three dye seeds available:
Woad, Japanese Indigo and True Indigo.
Please note that due to quarantine restrictions I have been advised not to ship to Western Australia, Tasmania or overseas.
Woad, Japanese Indigo and True Indigo.
Please note that due to quarantine restrictions I have been advised not to ship to Western Australia, Tasmania or overseas.
Woad seed packs are $7 (Only one pack left !!!)
True Indigo and Japanese Indigo seeds are $8 (Only one pack left each!!)
both come with planting instructions and a recipe to make your own dye bath!

True indigo
To become a member just email me on ixchelbunnyart at gmail dot com or message me on facebook or Instagram. More on how to order the clubs and anything from this update later in the blog in the section “how to order”
IxCHeL Aran Tweed Yarn
I have two colourways available at the moment: Both with the most colourful speckles and pops of colour you can think of and both in pure wool, spun with lots of love
50 grams AU$16 , appr 80 meters per skein.

IxCHeL Aran Tweed Coral Sea

IxCHeL Aran weight Tweed Coral Sea with bright pops of colour
![]() |
IxCHeL Aran Tweed Coral Sea |

IxCHeL Aran Tweed Opal

IxCHeL Aran weight Tweed Opal with bright pops of colour

IxCHeL Tweed fingering weight yarn
Super soft lambswool 70% and Kid Mohair 30%
Spun singles, fingering or sock weight yarn
+/- 200meters/218yards
50grams 1.76oz
NEW Colours !!!

Great Barrier Reef

Leafy Seadragon

Flying Fox

Airlie Beach

Sea Mist

Kata Tjuta
(an intense pure red that goes well with the Kookaburra and the Wattle and the Amethyst colourway and soooooomany others)
(a beautiful silver grey with ochre accents that complement the dingo colourway)
( A beautiful warm honey ochre with pops of royal bluebell, kingfisher and kangaroo paw)
(a gorgeous raspberry base with pops of royal bluebell, flowering gum, grey and daintree)
Fern Forest
( a deep forest green with accents of bright red, dusky purple and daintree) )
( a fabulous deep purple with accents of royal bluebell, daintree, grevillea and kingfisher )
( a fabulous deep walnut brown with accents of dingo and kookaburra)
Kangaroo Paw
( a fabulous warm orange with accents of fern forest, royal bluebell and grevillea and dingo )
Royal Bluebell
( a deep blue with accents of flowering gum, kookaburra and fern forest )
( a warm light brown with accents of soft blue and kookaburra)
Daintree ( a soft green with accents of fern forest and dingo)
( a fabulous Turquoise blue with accents of fern forest, kangaroo paw, Jacaranda and Grevillea)
Want to dye your own with easy to use acid dyes? I have been selling these Landscape dyes at my workshops and shows for a long time : They are extremely easy to use and come in great shades.

(A beautiful sunshine yellow that goes so well with the kookaburra the silver grey)
(A beautiful sunshine yellow that goes so well with the kookaburra the silver grey)

(an intense pure red that goes well with the Kookaburra and the Wattle and the Amethyst colourway and soooooomany others)

(a beautiful silver grey with ochre accents that complement the dingo colourway)

( A beautiful warm honey ochre with pops of royal bluebell, kingfisher and kangaroo paw)

(a gorgeous raspberry base with pops of royal bluebell, flowering gum, grey and daintree)

Flowering Gum
( a gorgeous medieval warm red with bright red, kookaburra and fern forest accents)
( a gorgeous medieval warm red with bright red, kookaburra and fern forest accents)

( a deep forest green with accents of bright red, dusky purple and daintree) )

( a fabulous deep purple with accents of royal bluebell, daintree, grevillea and kingfisher )

( a fabulous deep walnut brown with accents of dingo and kookaburra)

( a fabulous warm orange with accents of fern forest, royal bluebell and grevillea and dingo )

isn’t it gorgeous how the Kangaroo paw knits up?! )

( a deep blue with accents of flowering gum, kookaburra and fern forest )

( a warm light brown with accents of soft blue and kookaburra)

( a fabulous Turquoise blue with accents of fern forest, kangaroo paw, Jacaranda and Grevillea)
Landscape dyes

100g tubs AU$12
250 g tubs AU$27
250 g tubs AU$27
Just contact me with the name of the colour you are after and I will get right back to you.
All my contact details are here:
Please don't hesitate to contact me at any time if you have any questions okay? Always happy to enable. All my contact details are to be found at the end of this week’s blog entry.
Have a fun weekend !!!
Have a fun weekend !!!
How To Order:
1. You can email me on ixchelbunnyart at gmail dot com or ixchelbunny at yahoo dot com dot au
2. Message me on facebook or
3. Message me on www.ravelry.com where I am ixchelbunny.
4. message me on Instagram where I am @ixchelbunny
I will email you right back with all your order details and payment methods.
Any questions? Any custom orders for yarn or dyeing fibre? : Please don’t hesitate to ask! Always happy to enable.
2. Message me on facebook or
3. Message me on www.ravelry.com where I am ixchelbunny.
4. message me on Instagram where I am @ixchelbunny
I will email you right back with all your order details and payment methods.
Any questions? Any custom orders for yarn or dyeing fibre? : Please don’t hesitate to ask! Always happy to enable.
Dates to put in your Calendar
keep your eyes out for any news on the
ixchelbunny Instagram feed and the IxCHeL facebook page!!